How To Charge Your Phone Without Charging At Home
How To Charge Your Phone Without Charging At Home

A gadget that falls asleep at the wrong time: how to charge your phone without charging

A man sitting at a laptop holds a phone with an extinguished screen in his hand
A man sitting at a laptop holds a phone with an extinguished screen in his hand

I urgently need to make a call, but the phone shows critical percentages in the battery icon, and there is no charging at hand - anyone can find themselves in such a situation. If you find a discharged smartphone while at home, then don't worry too much. Many people have found themselves in this position, and some have shared a variety of solutions.

Working methods of emergency phone charging

First of all, while your phone has not yet turned off, resort to a trick that will allow you to keep the secret remaining charge. For this:

  • turn on airplane mode on your phone;
  • turn off GPS;
  • turn off bluetooth;
  • disconnect your internet connection;
  • decrease the brightness of the screen.

Such functions of modern gadgets are extremely energy-intensive. Therefore, such simple actions will lead to lower battery consumption.

At the moment, there are various ways to charge the phone, differing in the complexity of implementation and the final effect. If you do not want to damage your device, then it is best to follow the safe methods recommended by the manufacturers.

USB cable

Charging your phone from a PC is the easiest and most common method that many people use. To do this, it is enough to have a stationary computer or laptop and a USB cable with a connector suitable for your phone.

Smartphones with USB cables connected
Smartphones with USB cables connected

Connect your phone to your computer via USB

The computer will then serve as a power source. Most modern smartphones are equipped with micro-USC or USB Type-C outputs. Connect your smartphone to your computer via USB cable and select the "Charge only" action on the phone screen. Remember to safely remove the device after the process is complete.

External Battery Power Bank

You can purchase Power Bank - a special external battery for charging the device. The device is used as an alternative to a power outlet to charge the phone.

Smartphone and tablet lying on the table are being charged from an external battery
Smartphone and tablet lying on the table are being charged from an external battery

Use Power Bank to charge your device

To use Power Bank:

  1. Turn on the external battery by pressing a special button on it and connect your phone to it.
  2. Make sure the LEDs on the Power Bank device indicate charging is starting.
  3. Turn off the external battery after successful completion of the charging process.

The amount and time of charging will depend on various factors, including your phone model and power bank. Don't forget to charge the Power Bank in time. Usually, the need to "feed" the gadget is notified by flashing indicators.


The method will be a godsend for owners of push-button telephones, but it will not work for owners of those devices whose manufacturers have restricted access to the battery for the user. For example, if you are the owner of an iPhone, then you will have to resort to another solution to the problem. It is quite problematic to find a charger for old-style models. In such cases, the "Frog" will be a great helper, as it does not require the use of wires. This is a universal charger that connects to the phone battery with a special clip. Such a device can be purchased at almost any specialty store.

Frog-powered battery
Frog-powered battery

You can connect your phone battery to the charger

In order to charge the phone battery, you need to follow simple steps:

  1. Turn off your phone and remove the battery from it.
  2. Open the special cover on the "frog" by pushing the gadget from the edge.
  3. Connect two contacts of the phone battery to the clamps on the "frog", checking the "+" and "-" indicators.
  4. Clamp the battery cover and plug the "frog" into a power outlet.
  5. Make sure that the red light comes on to indicate that the charging process has started successfully.
  6. After completing the charging process, insert the battery back into the phone.

Video: how to charge your phone with a "frog"

Insecure solutions

You can often find various tips on charging your phone online. But not all of them are effective or safe. The following methods are not recommended:

  • stripping the cable of the old charger. Advisors suggest stripping the wire from the last charge. There are two wires under the rubber layer: blue and red. They are recommended to be connected to the contacts of your phone's battery. This method can destroy the device and even cause a small explosion;
  • using a hot object to heat the battery. The method involves using a heated knife, which is applied to the battery, after which it is inserted back into the phone. Increasing the battery temperature allows the device to "revive" for a short period of time. But the risk of consequences is high: you can get a burn or a burning gadget;
  • using a hard object. A small amount of charge can be won by hitting the phone's battery against asphalt or stone. However, after such actions, cracks or chips from damage form on the battery. In the worst case, it will fail or catch fire.
  • Scotch. On the Internet, you can read a recommendation for sealing the battery contacts with tape. Such actions can also lead to its heating and ignition.
  • there is a completely radical option - punching the battery with a nail and then immersing it in water for five minutes. The method is unsafe and, like the previous one, can lead to fire and explosion of the battery;
  • using headphones as charging. Some people claim that headphones connected to the device can charge the battery by several percent. This is impossible, since the contacts on their plug serve only for transmitting sound signals and have nothing to do with battery power.

Any phone battery contains icons indicating that it must not be heated or opened. The manufacturer indicated this for a reason. The actions described above and methods similar to them are not recommended for use, as they can be dangerous for both a person and a device.

Today there are various alternative methods of charging different phone models. Many methods are simple to use and do not require special resources or professional knowledge.
