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2025 Author: Bailey Albertson | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:41
Star protection: which signs of the zodiac do not lend themselves to hypnosis

Hypnosis or simple persistent persuasion is often used by not the most honest people: fortune-tellers and petty thieves, financial swindlers and members of various malicious sects. Sometimes their victim easily succumbs to their tricks, and sometimes - bravely endures all attacks and remains fully conscious. What does it depend on? Astrologers assure - from the zodiac sign.
Qualities of easily hypnotized people
To begin with, let's determine what character traits and characteristics of a person make it easy to hypnotize him:
- suggestibility. If a person does not have firm convictions, if he easily follows the lead of public opinion or individual authorities, if it is easy to convince him of his innocence, referring to unverified sources, then it is not difficult to hypnotize him. This is primarily due to the fact that hypnosis is the result of the work of not only the hypnotist, but in many respects the merit of the victim himself;
- desire to experience unusual sensations. Someone looks for them through adrenaline and danger, someone - through alcohol or drugs, and someone wants to try on themselves such conditions as hypnosis. The thing is that if a person really does not want to succumb to hypnosis, then he will not succumb to it - this is a scientific fact. However, quite often we are opposed by a subconscious desire to get new sensations, if only for the sake of interest;
- impressionability. If you are easily surprised by theatrical effects, if you like to look at magic tricks (but do not want to know how they are performed), then it is easier for you to succumb to hypnosis. Hypnotists often use entourage to make it easier to plunge you into a kind of trance. You must admit that it is much easier to fall under the influence of a mysterious spell, being in the misty tent of a gypsy woman, filled with incense and swaying curtains, than, for example, in an office;
- sociability. Extroverts are much more susceptible to hypnosis than introverts. The point is most likely in their susceptibility - with closed people, attention is usually directed inwardly, they are able to distance themselves from what is happening and notice that they are trying to manipulate. Extroverts, on the other hand, observe the interlocutor more closely, and this is where their weakness in front of the hypnotist lies.

The fortune teller in the painting by Caravaggio skillfully manages the attention of his client, along the way, unnoticed, pulling the ring off his hand
What zodiac signs are hard to hypnotize
Astrologers assure that character qualities largely depend on the constellation under which a person was born. And therefore, there are signs of the zodiac that are harder to hypnosis than the rest:
- Capricorns. Capricorn is a stubborn earth sign, which, moreover, is a complete introvert. Such people do not like to allow strangers into their personal space, therefore, when trying to manipulate or hypnosis, they will rather push away (physically or emotionally) the unlucky hypnotist.
- Virgo. This zodiac sign is practical and down-to-earth. Virgos are extremely distrustful and skeptical of everything supernatural. It is possible to hypnotize them, but only in “sterile conditions” - the hypnotist must be a certified specialist, the “victim” herself must wish to experience such an experience, and there must be no mystical tinsel that annoys Virgos around. If some fortune teller tries to put pressure on Virgo, then Virgo will most likely just laugh in her face.
- Aries. When Aries feels that they are trying to control him (and this kind of intuition is well developed in this sign), he begins to aggressively defend his territory. An attempt at hypnosis can end with both verbal abuse and a massacre, depending on the physical advantage of Aries and his mood.
- Taurus. Taurus, whom they are trying to hypnotize, behaves like Capricorn - they diligently do not allow the hypnotist into their personal space. Hypnosis will be successful only if Taurus himself wished to be hypnotized and invited a professional for this. But in dark and stuffy tents such a trick will not work with him.
Signs that are easy to hypnosis
Who is more likely to succumb to hypnosis? There are several signs:
- Aquarians. Firstly, Aquarians themselves are eager to experience some new unusual sensations. Second, they are extroverts, which allows the hypnotist to easily grab their attention. And thirdly, Aquarians love various kinds of mystical performances.
- Fish. Pisces are naturally impressionable and trusting. They are easy to both intimidate and hypnotize. This sign is easily bought for tricks, tricks and gimmicks, so it doesn't cost a hypnotist anything to create a suitable atmosphere around himself.
- Libra. Artistic and a bit theatrical Libra also love this kind of experiments. An innate love for mysticism and esotericism allows them to be more willing to succumb to hypnosis, especially in a mysterious atmosphere.
- Twins. It's impossible to say unequivocally that Gemini is easy to hypnotize. It all depends on their mood. And yet, more often than not, Gemini willingly make contact with a hypnotist - as a rule, to experience a trance on themselves, but sometimes in order to scratch their pride. Gemini in a skeptical mood are ready to agree to hypnosis only in order to prove to themselves and others that this is deception and fiction. However, they cannot resist an experienced hypnotist.

It is for such impressionable people that some hypnotists surround themselves with an aura of magic and mystery.
Zodiac signs hypnotizing others
Some signs have qualities that are needed in order to hypnotize others:
- Scorpions. Scorpio is well versed in people and knows how to manipulate them. He easily rubbed himself into trust when he needed it, challenged a person to be frank, made him relax. In addition, some Scorpios have a love of theatricality, as well as the tenacity that is required to hone these skills.
- Lions. Leos are great at establishing control over the interlocutor. They are able to conduct a conversation in the direction they need, along the way tuning the victim in the right way. When the atmosphere is created, and the interlocutor is convinced that he himself wants to experience the hypnotic influence of Leo, the matter remains small.
- Libra. Despite the fact that Libras themselves are easily hypnotized, they are able to use their weaknesses against others, turning them into advantages. Love for theatricality and mysticism is combined in them with artistry, so they know how (and love!) To create such an atmosphere on their own. Of course, they will not be able to hypnotize pragmatic and balanced signs, but they are just like them, lovers of magic and mystery - easily.
- Cancers. Cancer is a sign that is sensitive to changes in mood. In addition, he has good intuition and suspicion. This allows him to simultaneously maintain control over the interlocutor, plunging him into a trance, and prevent the dissipation of the mysterious atmosphere, which is sometimes necessary for hypnosis.
Hypnosis is a subtle art, the mechanisms of which have not yet been fully understood. However, astrologers are convinced that the predisposition to it largely depends on the constellation under which the person was born.
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