Is It Possible To Wipe The Face With Red Wine - Why And How To Do It Correctly
Is It Possible To Wipe The Face With Red Wine - Why And How To Do It Correctly

Red wine for the face: benefits and uses

Red wine in a glass
Red wine in a glass

Red wine is a favorite drink of many people. However, not everyone knows that this product can be used not only internally, but also externally. Red wine has a positive effect on skin condition. Let's figure out how to use it correctly to stop the aging process and improve the complexion.

Can i wipe my face with red wine

Red wine contains resveratrol, which has positive effects on the skin when applied topically. This substance is a natural phytoalexin with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties. When used topically, red wine has a complex effect on the skin:

  • improves complexion;
  • eliminates fine wrinkles;
  • relieves acne and oily sheen;
  • strengthens the walls of the capillaries.
Red wine
Red wine

Red wine contains skin-friendly resveratrol

How does red wine work for skin problems?

Red wine contains vitamin E, which improves skin condition, whitens it and prevents premature aging. Resveratrol destroys pathogens to help get rid of acne. The same substance stimulates collagen synthesis, which in some cases allows you to eliminate fine wrinkles. Strengthening the walls of blood vessels is possible due to the flavonoids, vitamins C, P, B.

Suitable for different skin types

In its pure form, red wine can be used to wipe oily skin. Such a remedy perfectly dries the face, eliminating shine and reducing the likelihood of inflammatory elements. Pure red wine is not recommended for dry and normal skin. As a result, the face may begin to peel off. However, this does not mean that in this case such a tool cannot be used. To improve the condition of dry and normal skin, red wine is recommended to be combined with egg, honey, olive oil and other moisturizing ingredients.

Olive oil
Olive oil

Red wine can be paired with olive oil

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to the use of red wine:

  • peeling of the skin;
  • allergy to red wine;
  • irritation on the skin surface;
  • the presence of scratches and cuts on the face;
  • chronic dermatological diseases.
Peeling skin
Peeling skin

Slight peeling of the skin is sometimes possible when using red wine

Side effects that are possible when using the product:

  • feeling of tightness of the skin;
  • rarely - peeling;
  • slight redness;
  • itching.

How to use the product correctly

Dry red wine can be used to wipe the skin. It is better not to use semi-sweet. Apply the product to the skin with a cotton pad, avoiding the eye area. The face must first be cleaned of makeup. Rinse off the wine is optional. If the skin is very oily, then you need to wipe it 2 times a day for 10 days. Then take a break for 2-3 days and continue using.

If the skin is combination, then wipe it with this tool no more than 1 time a day, following the above algorithm. If severe peeling occurs, the product should be abandoned.

I never thought that red wine is so good for the skin. I will be happy to try this remedy. However, first I will still test the product on a separate area of the skin to check if there will be a negative reaction.

Effective recipes

Effective masks with red wine:

  1. For oily skin. It is necessary to pour 100 g of oatmeal with 200 ml of boiling water. Let stand for 20 minutes, then add 1 tbsp. l. wine, 1 tsp. any honey, a pinch of baking soda and 1 egg white. Mix everything thoroughly and apply on the face. The exposure time is 15 minutes. Use 2 times every 10 days for 2-3 months.
  2. For dry and normal skin. It will take 2 tsp. wine, 1 yolk, 1 tsp. honey and the same amount of olive oil. All ingredients must be mixed and applied to the face for 20 minutes. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to add 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal. Apply 2-3 times a week for a month.
  3. For aging skin. It will take 1 tbsp. l. honey, 4 tbsp. l. wine, 1 protein. All components should be mixed in a glass container, then applied to the face and left for 15 minutes. Apply the product 2 times every 7 days for 3-4 months.

Masks containing wine should be kept on the face for at least 15 minutes

Useful properties of red wine for skin - video

Red wine can help make skin firmer and healthier when applied regularly. The product removes acne and oily sheen. When applied correctly, the skin becomes firm, fresh, its color improves, and the risk of rosacea is reduced.
