What Products Are Better Not To Buy By Weight
What Products Are Better Not To Buy By Weight

5 products that should not be bought by weight, so as not to harm health


We are used to buying many products by weight. But in reality, visual inspection is often not enough.


The mountains of nuts on the counter beckon with their variety. Many buyers never think about the fact that they have an expiration date. And if it is spelled out on the packaging, then it is impossible to get from the seller the truth about how many months or even years these nuts have been.

Therefore, there is a risk of running into old, bitter and dusty products. The unknown how they are stored is also frightening. It is not very pleasant to eat nuts, which, before getting on the counter, languished in a dusty and dirty warehouse with rats and insects.


Spices, which are freely available without packaging, perfectly absorb extraneous odors. Not to mention, all dust and microorganisms from the environment also end up in the spice and allspice trays.

And some unscrupulous sellers may add various small rubbish to them to increase the weight of the product. In any case, the aroma is better preserved if the product is well packaged.


Baristas are advised to buy coffee beans only in vacuum packaging. The main reason for this is not so much the loss of aroma or its mixing with neighboring varieties, but the ability to determine the degree of freshness of the product. And even more confidence that the grains were not exposed to the influence of other people's dirty hands. By the way, buying not by weight, it is possible to avoid counterfeiting.

Cottage cheese

How often you can see grandmothers selling dairy products in the so-called spontaneous markets. And cottage cheese will definitely be among the goods. Freshly cooked, fatty, healthy, you won't hear any epithets about a dairy product.

But in addition to useful trace elements and miraculous qualities, most often such cottage cheese contains a great variety of pathogenic bacteria. It is not known from what milk and under what conditions it was made. And if, nevertheless, you were unlucky and you were poisoned, then in this case you will only have to complain about yourself.

Minced meat

As in the case of cottage cheese, the main danger of loose minced meat is that it is not known for certain what products it was made from. What type and quality of meat was used, in what conditions the minced meat was produced. After all, raw meat, stored in an inappropriate way, is also an excellent medium for the development of pathogenic organisms. And if you don't understand the meat, you can be deceived about the freshness of the product.

Nobody claims that products in packages are of better quality - there is always the possibility of running into low-quality products. But in the case of bulk products, this opportunity becomes many times greater. On the packaging, in turn, you can at least track the expiration date and read the composition.
