Why Do Cats Bring Mice To Their Master?
Why Do Cats Bring Mice To Their Master?

Why cats bring mice to their master


Domestic cats, which we used to mistake for family members, are actually great hunters. Even with a bowl full of tasty meat, they will not miss the opportunity to catch a rodent or bird. However, many owners do not understand why the prey caught with such difficulty ends up in their apartment on a rug or even on a bed.

Natural instinct

No matter how well the pet is fed at home, its natural instincts do not disappear anywhere. For a cat, hunting is a fascinating and reckless process with which it learns the world and displays behavioral reactions. Therefore, if one day, the owner finds a mouse or other prey on his carpet, then he should not be surprised.

The animal perceives the dwelling in which it grew up as its own. The entire area of an apartment or house, where the cat can move freely, is perceived by her as personal possessions, in which there is no place for strangers. Therefore, it brings its prey to the place where it is safest, i.e. to the inhabited territory.

Also, the caught "game" is a kind of warning for the cat for natural enemies. Leaving her on her site, she hints to other animals that a similar fate awaits those who dare to claim her personal lands.

Provides food

In the wild, many felines live in prides - large families where each member has specific responsibilities. For example, mother cats are engaged in the upbringing and training of cubs, and more mobile individuals get food.

It is often possible to observe a picture of how the cat-father carries food to his “soulmate” and kids in his teeth. Therefore, another reason why a cat can "treat" its owner to a caught rodent is the perception of a person as a relative. Most pets are sure that a two-legged individual that lives on their territory is not able to provide themselves with food on their own.

Maternal instinct

By bringing food to a person in its teeth, a cat can show its unrealized maternal instinct. This is typical not only for spayed individuals, but also for giving birth cats, which are early separated from kittens.

Often, an animal brings a live mouse into the house to teach a person to hunt. In this case, the rodent is just a teaching aid for a biped "unadapted" to life, whom the cat takes care of, like its own mother.

Token of gratitude

A number of zoologists put forward a version that by bringing prey to the house, the cat is trying to thank the person for love and affection. For her, a hunting trophy is of great value, so we can assume that the pet gives the owner the most precious thing he has.

Also, the cat tries to prove its importance to the owner in order to look like a real hunter in his eyes. With this gesture, the animal tries to protect itself in the "pride", proving its usefulness to the rest of the family.

How the owner should deal with the prey

If a cat has brought prey into the house, it means that he has expressed respect and complete trust to his owner. Scold him, in no case, no matter how frightening the carcass of a dead rodent or chick looks, otherwise the established contact with a person will turn into complete distrust on the part of the animal. You should thank the cat for the "gift" and distract its attention with affection.

When the animal relaxes and forgets about the trophy, you need to discreetly pick up the carcass, place it in a plastic bag and throw it away. In this case, it is necessary to use disposable gloves, because wild animals are a source of dangerous infectious diseases.
