The Most Aggressive Plants In The Garden
The Most Aggressive Plants In The Garden

Aggressive beauty: 9 plants, next to which almost nothing grows


Flowers, trees and shrubs are the decoration of a home and a personal plot. But not all of them are suitable for an apartment or a garden, since they pose a danger to humans and many plants.



Everyone's favorite garden culture has an active negative energy. Those who grow seedlings in an apartment on a windowsill should know about the negative effects of tomatoes.

In the garden, you should not plant potatoes, eggplants, bell peppers, all types of cabbage, cucumbers and legumes next to tomatoes. Tomatoes severely drain the soil and absorb the energy of other plants. A separate section is allocated for this vegetable.

You can plant onions, turnips, various types of lettuce and dill. In this case, you will get not only a good harvest of tomatoes, but also excellent greens and roots.



The tree is not suitable for growing indoors or near the house, as it has a heavy energy. For this reason, in ancient times, cypress was associated with death. It negatively affects the human body, causing weakness, drowsiness and loss of strength.

More suitable for decorating large areas: parks, squares and gardens, where it cleans the air from harmful impurities and releases a significant amount of phytoncides. In an open space, the plant has a relaxing effect, helping to get rid of anxiety, bad thoughts and irritation.

If you use cypress as a hedge, it will protect the site from external negative energy. The plant can be placed in a room with a lot of equipment and poor ventilation.



The flower is fast growing. During the growing season, it does not pose a danger to the owner. With proper care, hibiscus blooms almost constantly. And it is during this period that it absorbs the surrounding energy.

Provokes a person to strong emotions (anger, anger, and others). If a plant does not bloom or throws out buds very rarely, then its owner has many unkind thoughts.

During flowering, hibiscus pots are placed near electrical appliances in a well-lit room.

Chestnut or maple


These deciduous trees have a lot of energy. They do not tolerate the proximity of other plants well. They are characterized by rapid growth and resistance to adverse environmental conditions. They are not afraid of polluted air and poor soil. They multiply by seeds and disrupt habitual ecosystems.

Maple is able to completely suppress the growth of unpretentious plants such as poplar and willow. Its seeds contain toxic components that destroy the seedlings of other plants. During the fruiting period, they are carried by the wind to a distance of up to one kilometer.

Adult chestnut has a calming effect on humans. Relieves insomnia, fear and aggression.

Pine or spruce


These conifers will not allow other plants to take away the territory. Plants have long been considered vampires. According to ancient legends, the souls of dead people swing on the branches of these trees.

Pine and spruce can be considered conditionally as energy absorbers. They take away the negative from the surrounding space only in the summer. In winter, trees give back the accumulated. Conifers help a person to restore mental balance, normalize blood pressure, heal diseases of bones and joints.



This visitor from the rainforest is considered to be a vampire. The plant with bright green feathery leaves is popular with flower growers. It is grown at home, but remember that the flower needs a lot of space. In order to neutralize the negative effects of the fern, favorable conditions are created for it: a place with diffused light, timely watering, feeding and removing dried stems.

The fern will receive the necessary supply of energy if the pot is placed near a TV, computer, electrical appliance, in an office with noisy employees or in a meeting room.

In the garden, it is planted in hanging pots so that the roots of the fern and other plants do not touch. The apartment is placed in the living room. In a bedroom or nursery, a flower can cause fatigue, insomnia and nervousness.



Ivy will become a real decoration of any room. Superstitious people associate many bad omens with him. It is believed that it sucks vitality from a person and causes quarrels in the family.

Being in an apartment, liana can cause illness, disturbance of the emotional background, up to nervous breakdown, depression, even destroy a happy marriage.

Ivy is able to replenish the necessary supply of energy from the surrounding world. For this reason, it is not recommended to keep it at home or on a personal plot. It is advisable to place the flower pot in a room with high traffic of people.
