Rules For Preparing A Garden For Winter
Rules For Preparing A Garden For Winter

How to protect your garden from frost: 7 tips for preparing for winter


Inexperienced summer residents believe that taking care of fruit trees and shrubs ends with the harvest. However, in order to strengthen the immunity of plants and increase their resistance to cold weather, it is necessary to carry out a whole range of activities in the garden in the fall.

Prune trees and shrubs

This procedure, on which the health of the garden largely depends, is carried out in the first two months of autumn.

First of all, they do sanitary pruning, removing old, dry and damaged by disease, pests. And only then they begin to form the crown. Places of cuts are treated with garden pitch.

Treat with fungicides

To protect trees and shrubs from diseases and harmful insects, for the purpose of prophylaxis, treatment with universal fungicides is used: Fundazol, Skor or others.

In this case, plant residues in the near-trunk zone are removed and burned. The soil around trees (bushes) is also treated with these pesticides.

Loosen the tree trunk circle

In order not to harm the plants, the soil around the trunks of trees and shrubs is carefully loosened. This is done so that the larvae of the pests, once on the surface of the soil, could not overwinter.

In addition, exchange processes and oxygen saturation occur faster in loose soil.

Water well


In warm and dry autumn, it is recommended to abundantly moisten the soil under the fruit crops. A moisture-charged root system develops better and absorbs the nutrients the plant needs.

This increases the immunity and frost resistance of horticultural crops.

Shelter from frost

Trees and shrubs that are poorly adapted to the harsh climate should be sheltered for the winter from severe frosts. To do this, the root zone is mulched with sawdust (peat, humus, compost).

Young seedlings on top of the mulch will need a fir tree cover.

Protect your garden from rodents

In winter, the orchard is exposed to the invasion of rodents - hares and mice, which damage the trunks of young trees. Enterprising summer residents have come up with more than a dozen ways of protection from improvised means.

The lower part of the trunk is covered with protective material and tied with twine or wire. And the snow in the near-trunk circle is carefully tamped down in order to limit rodents access to roots and young shoots.

Remove fallen leaves


During the fall from trees and bushes, not only leaves fall off, but also small twigs, fruits. If you are not sure that this "garbage" will make good compost material, burn it.

This will reduce the risk of reproduction of pests that accumulate in the fallen leaves for the winter. And the ash remaining after the fire will serve as a fertilizer or a means for deoxidizing the soil.
