Advantages Of Drawing For Adults
Advantages Of Drawing For Adults

7 compelling reasons to pick up a brush and paint, especially if you're in your 40s


As the heroine of the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" said: "At 40, life is just beginning." This is the perfect time to learn new hobbies and get into art. For example, drawing is not only interesting, but also extremely useful for people of mature age.

Drawing distracts from problems and negativity

The global economic crisis, climate change, bad roads, an angry boss, a leaking faucet in the kitchen, a M in mathematics from a son - problems of any scale fade into the background when you move a pencil or brush over a piece of paper.

While drawing, your brain takes a break from everyday experiences, because all thoughts are directed to the plot of the drawing, the smoothness of the lines and the selection of the color scheme.

Increases concentration

When a person draws, he is completely immersed in the process. He focuses entirely on creativity and is not distracted by extraneous stimuli.

Over time, this skill of concentration is transferred to other areas of life (work and household issues). You will learn not to be distracted, thanks to which you will cope with business faster and more efficiently.

Replaces meditation


Art therapy is not just a fashion trend. Psychologists believe that fine art is a kind of meditation. Plunging into drawing, a person abstracts from the outside world and can relax well.

By the way, at such moments the necessary and correct thoughts often come to mind, as well as ways of getting out of their problem situations.

Teaches you to think creatively

Drawing is not just transferring an image from life to canvas or paper. This is a huge field for experimentation with techniques, shapes, shades. It promotes the development of creative thinking, which will be useful to you at work, in everyday life, and even in your personal life.

Drawing will teach you to look at complex problems from different angles and find non-standard ways out of situations of any complexity.

Helps Relieve Stress Anytime

Stress can overtake a person at any time of the day or night - unpleasant memories, a reprimand from the boss, a quarrel with her husband, a passing car poured out of a puddle, a saleswoman was naughty, and so on.

Relieves anxiety


People suffering from panic and anxiety attacks are bound to make friends with pencils and paints. During the next attack, you just need to start drawing. Psychologists say that 30 minutes is enough to deal with anxiety.

Develops motor skills

When a person draws, he develops the mobility of the joints of the hands, as well as the flexibility of thinking. Regular exercise helps to prolong youth and reduce the risk of age-related mental disorders.
