How The Hostess Characterizes The Kitchen Table
How The Hostess Characterizes The Kitchen Table

How the character of the hostess can be determined by the kitchen table


The character of a person is betrayed not only by reactions, actions, words, but also habits, the order of actions. Perhaps this is exactly what is difficult to train and self-control. For example, on the kitchen table, you can guess what qualities the hostess has and how she relates to life.

For some, the table shines like new. No crumbs, no dust, but evenly spread tablecloth, clean, without spots. This clearly indicates that the hostess does not just love cleanliness - she loves perfect order. This is a perfectionist woman, and in everything she strives for the ideal.


It happens that there is nothing on the table, not even something that could theoretically decorate, complement the interior design: no vases, no jug of water, no napkins. This may indicate that the hostess works from morning to evening, she does not have time to think over the details, most likely, she loves brevity in everything. A sense of proportion is its main feature.


If the table is made of glass, we can conclude that the hostess is ready to take risks. It is difficult to care for glass products, all stains, smudges, prints are visible on them. Certainly, this woman has courage.


Perhaps the table setting is made like a picture in a magazine: napkins, lots of cutlery, a bouquet of flowers. Obviously, the hostess seeks to surround herself with the attributes of success and demonstrate this to others. And in her character there is a share of vanity, she wants to raise her "social status" in the eyes of others.


You can recognize a romantic nature in a hostess if there are many inappropriate items on the table: cosmetics, notebooks, pens, books. Such a woman loves life and does not bother about who will look how and what will say. And he puts off cleaning "for later".


It is very easy to identify a sloven mistress: her kitchen table is all crumbs and stains, and the tablecloth has not been changed for a long time. Everything seems to be in its place, but on the whole the feeling is uncomfortable. Either the hostess does not like to put things in order in the house and does not attach any importance to it, or she is a mother of five children, and therefore she simply does not have time to clean.


Sometimes there is no table in the kitchen at all. This suggests that joint dinners, evening gatherings, and home cooking are not accepted in the house. The hostess in cafes, restaurants or orders ready meals at home. She believes that daily food preparation is a waste of time. She values every minute and appreciates her time, and you can also drink coffee at the bar.
