The Orchid Has Faded: What To Do Next, Including With An Arrow
The Orchid Has Faded: What To Do Next, Including With An Arrow

The orchid has faded: what to do next so that the flower will thank you


Orchid is beautiful and unusual. It is unpretentious, blooms for a long time, and the faded peduncle can not be removed, as is done in most flowering plants. Those who first purchased or received this miracle as a gift are at a loss as to what to do with the arrow when the last flower wilted.

What to do with a faded orchid so as not to harm it

When the flowering process begins to decline, be sure to remove the faded heads, so you will save the orchid strength in order for the remaining buds to bloom. At the end of flowering, carefully observe the arrow, the orchid itself will tell you how to proceed.

Blooming orchid
Blooming orchid

If you pinch off the faded heads in time, then the orchid will be able to open all the buds

Peduncle with a sleeping bud
Peduncle with a sleeping bud

From such dormant buds, new peduncles most often develop, but sometimes a baby may appear

Options for the development of events

So, the flowering has stopped, and the peduncle behaves as follows:

  • the arrow began to turn yellow and dry. In this case, you will not wait for re-flowering. And yellowing may indicate that the plant has spent too much energy and needs rest. Wait for the orchid to take all the nutrients from the peduncle, and cut it off after it is completely dry. After removal, a small stump of 1 - 2 cm should remain;

    Pruning a dried stalk
    Pruning a dried stalk

    After cutting off the dried peduncle, a small stump should remain

  • the arrow is frozen, there is a green one, but nothing happens. This suggests that the plant is full of strength and can bloom again or make you happy with a baby. But the peduncle still has to be shortened a little so that the plant does not spend excess nutrition on the faded branch. The recommended cutting height is 1.5 - 2.5 cm higher than the 3rd dormant bud. It is believed that the lower the pruning is carried out, the longer the new peduncle will be. But I always prune my clever girl over the bud closest to the blooming shoot (and this can be 4 or 5 in a row).

    Pruning green stalks
    Pruning green stalks

    Trimming the green peduncle is carried out over the upper dormant bud

If the orchid is healthy and has a powerful leaf outlet, then it will not be difficult to achieve re-flowering. But if the plant is young or weakened, then in any case it is better to give it a rest by cutting off the peduncle.

General rules for caring for a blooming orchid

No matter how the pedicel behaves, the care of the orchid after flowering is always the same.

  1. If an orchid requires an urgent transplant, then it must be carried out just during this period.
  2. Stop feeding altogether.
  3. Reduce watering to a minimum (during this period I moisten the substrate with a sprayer).
  4. The place is sufficiently lit, but not in direct sunlight.
  5. It would be good to keep the temperature moderate, within 18 ° C. But since this is not always possible, try to just move the pot to the coolest room.

After about a month, you can return to the usual regime of fertilizing and watering.

Phalaenopsis transplant process
Phalaenopsis transplant process

After flowering, nothing will interfere with the transplant process

Cytokinin paste

This magic paste will help awaken the sleeping kidney very quickly. To do this, you need to gently bend or completely remove the scales and apply a thin layer of the product. Very soon, a new peduncle or baby will appear from the bud. But this tool, with inept and uncontrolled use, can destroy the plant, so you need to follow the rules:

  • it is best to use the paste in late winter or early spring;
  • the plant must be over two years old;
  • use only on a faded peduncle, but not a young one;
  • process only healthy plants.
Peduncle treatment with cytokinin paste
Peduncle treatment with cytokinin paste

Treatment with cytokinin paste will help awaken dormant kidneys

What to do with other types of orchids

How to deal with other types of orchids.

  • on cymbidium, cambria and oncidium, the arrow must always be cut off, since it will no longer give peduncles. The same is done with ludisia and miltonia;
  • in pafiopedilium, after he drops the flower, you need to wait for the peduncle to dry, and then cut it off;
  • when the dendrobium fades, inspect the pseudobulb carefully, if it starts to dry out, remove it with sharp scissors. But if you notice green sprouts on it, of course, leave it.
Blooming orchid
Blooming orchid

Do not make the orchid bloom constantly, this will drain the flower, listen to the plant and then your queen will wear her crown again and again

It is quite easy to care for an orchid. But only in your power to properly dispose of the most magical spectacle in the world of plants - orchid bloom. And if you do everything right, the exotic beauty will delight you with a luxurious flower crown for many years.
