When To Plant Marigolds For Seedlings In 2019: General Dates And The Lunar Calendar
When To Plant Marigolds For Seedlings In 2019: General Dates And The Lunar Calendar

Marigolds: when is it time to plant seedlings in 2019

marigold bee
marigold bee

Marigolds, or velvets, black-shaved ones, scientifically called Tagétes, are extremely widely used in the design of various garden and park flower arrangements, flower beds, mixborders, alpine slides, garden paths. This flower culture is unpretentious and easy to care for. But in order to achieve early flowering, the timing of planting marigolds for seedlings should be taken into account. …

Sowing dates of marigolds for seedlings in 2019

Velvets are easy and simple to grow by seeds, sowing them directly into the soil in a flower bed. In this case, the buds appear around mid-summer. However, you can enjoy the sight of flowering plants earlier if you use the seedling growing method.

Marigolds in the flowerbed
Marigolds in the flowerbed

Marigolds grown through seedlings bloom from early summer to late autumn

General terms

Marigolds grow quickly, they are transplanted into the ground at the site with already well-formed buds or even with opened flowers. As a rule, this is done about 45-60 days (depending on the variety) from the moment the first shoots appear. To safely plant seedlings on a flower bed, you need to wait until the threat of recurrent night frosts has passed and the temperature at night does not drop below + 5 … + 7 ° C.

Disembarkation of marigolds
Disembarkation of marigolds

Already flowering marigolds are planted in the ground

When determining the date of sowing activities, it is necessary to add 7-10 days for seed germination to the time spent on cultivation and count the amount received according to the calendar in reverse order from the expected date of movement into open ground. In most cases, the optimal sowing time for marigolds is in March or April.

Tall varieties of marigolds have a longer growing season, so you first need to sow them, and only after a couple of weeks start sowing low-growing and narrow-leaved varieties.

Marigold border
Marigold border

Low border marigolds can be sown later

Dwarf border species of velvet, which do not exceed 10-15 cm in height, I usually plant along the edge of the lawn. I don't like to wait until they sprout, if I sow the seeds directly into the ground, so I always grow seedlings in advance. You do not need to sow them very early, the plants have time to grow and gain color in about a month.

Video: when to sow annuals for seedlings

Lunar calendar for 2019

No one disputes the fact that the only satellite of the Earth has a strong influence on all living organisms inhabiting it. Most flower crops are usually planted on the growing (waxing) moon, since during this period of time, the upward vital juices contribute to the better development of plants. The lunar planting calendar for 2019 for sowing marigolds for seedlings recommends the following favorable dates:

  • February - 7-8, 11-17;
  • March - 10-15, 17-19;
  • April - 7-13; 15-18.
Moon phases
Moon phases

When sowing marigolds, many gardeners are guided by the phases of the moon.

You should not engage in sowing work during the full lunar phases (full moon and new moon):

  • February - 4, 19;
  • March - 5, 21;
  • April - 4, 19.

Features for regions

The climatic features of various regions of our vast country dictate different dates for planting flower seedlings in the ground on the site, the sowing time directly depends on them:

  • In the northern regions with a harsh and unpredictable climate, where spring comes late, grown flowers are planted in the ground in a flower bed only in the first decade of June. Sowing with the seedling method does not make sense to carry out earlier than mid-April.
  • In the central zone with milder and milder weather conditions, marigolds can be transplanted into open ground in the second half of May. At the same time, it is necessary to sow them for seedlings at the end of March.
  • In the southern regions, where the snow cover is not always the case, and spring is very early, the planting of flower seedlings on the site can be carried out already in April. Seeds are sown in boxes in the last days of February.
Seedlings of marigolds
Seedlings of marigolds

Marigold seedlings are planted in the ground in different regions at different times, depending on the weather

It is not difficult to grow luxuriantly and long-blooming marigolds on your own plot, even a beginner and inexperienced florist can easily cope with this task. Having correctly chosen the sowing time with the seedling method, as well as carefully observing the simple rules of caring for these flowers, you can enjoy their beautiful appearance right up to the snow.