15 Foods That Have More Vitamin C Than Lemon
15 Foods That Have More Vitamin C Than Lemon

Busting Myths: Foods With More Vitamin C Than Lemon


When it comes to vitamin C, lemon comes to mind first. But it turns out that this is not the only product containing ascorbic acid, in some vegetables and fruits it is much more.

Why do you need vitamin C

In the human body, vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, has a number of important functions:

  • Participates in redox processes.
  • Provides the formation of collagen protein, which increases the elasticity of the skin and the elasticity of the vessel walls.
  • Increases the activity of leukocytes, which ensures the body's resistance to external influences and infections.
  • Increases the antitoxic function of the liver and contributes to the most complete creation of glycogen reserves in it.
  • Stimulates tissue regeneration and healing.

The daily requirement of the human body for vitamin C depends on the state of health and lifestyle. The admission rate is:

  • 70–90 mg - for a healthy person;
  • 100-150 mg - during pregnancy and lactation;
  • 100-200 mg - with intense physical activity and sports;
  • 500-2000 mg - as prescribed by a doctor for a therapeutic effect in diseases and in the postoperative period.

A decrease in the daily rate leads to negative consequences:

  • The amount of collagen in the body decreases, which leads to increased fragility of the capillaries and a tendency to hemorrhage.
  • The body's immune defense against pathogenic viruses and bacteria decreases.
  • The gums become loose and bleed. With a large lack of vitamin C, the fixation of the teeth in the holes is disturbed, scurvy develops.

Excess vitamin C is also harmful. With its prolonged use in doses many times higher than the daily norm (10 or more times), itching and redness of the skin is observed, dizziness or headache is possible. Therefore, it is important to observe the measure.

Foods high in vitamin C

Let's take lemon as a standard of high content. It contains 40 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams of the product. And let's consider which products contain more of it.


There is an opinion that there is much more vitamin C in cabbage than in lemon. However, this is not quite true. A large amount is not characteristic of all varieties. For example, in the commonly used white cabbage, the excess is only 5 mg, and in Peking and Savoy cabbage, the content of vitamin C is much lower than in lemon.

Table: vitamin C content in cabbage of different varieties

Cabbage variety Vitamin C content in 100 g of product, mg
Brussels 100
Broccoli 89
Colored 70
Redhead 60
Kohlrabi 50
White-headed 45
Beijing 27
Savoy five

Photo Gallery: Cabbage High in Vitamin C

Brussels sprouts
Brussels sprouts
100 grams of Brussels sprouts contains 100 mg of vitamin C
Broccoli contains 89 mg of vitamin C per 100 g.

Cauliflower contains 70 mg of vitamin C

Red cabbage
Red cabbage
Red cabbage contains 60 mg of vitamin C
Kohlrabi cabbage
Kohlrabi cabbage
Kohlrabi cabbage is 50 mg of vitamin C per 100 g of product
White cabbage
White cabbage
White cabbage contains 45 mg of vitamin C, but this is more than lemon


Greens used to make salads and seasonings also contain vitamin C. Most of it is found in parsley and dill.

Table: Vitamin C content in greens

Type of greenery Vitamin C content in 100 g of product, mg
Parsley 150
Dill 100
Watercress 69
Spinach 55
Sorrel 43
Celery 38
Cilantro 27
Basil 18
Leaf salad fifteen

Photo Gallery: Vitamin C Rich Greens


Parsley contains much more vitamin C than lemon

Dill rich in vitamin C will diversify the diet
Small watercress contains a lot of vitamin C
Spinach contains 55 mg of vitamin C
Sorrel is only slightly higher in vitamin C than lemon


The result of natural hybridization of orange and pomelo - grapefruit - contains half the daily requirement for vitamin C: 45 mg per 100 grams of product. Grapefruit also contains a lot of potassium, which is essential for the heart and skeletal muscles to function. And then there is calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, iron - all the minerals that the body cannot do without.


One grapefruit weighs approximately 450 g and contains 2 daily values of vitamin C

Video: health benefits of grapefruit


Orange contains 60 mg of vitamin C, which is one and a half times more than lemon. In addition, it is a real storehouse of useful trace elements: calcium, sodium, magnesium. Contains vitamins A and B. Due to its rich composition, the product is an excellent tonic for the whole body, is a source of energy and positive mood.

Why an orange is useful:

  • the flavonoid hesperidin in the peel and magnesium improve blood circulation and lower blood pressure;
  • fiber and folic acid support the efficiency of the cardiovascular system;
  • pectin slows down the absorption of fats, helps to remove toxins and toxins from the body, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • Thiamin (a B vitamin) is useful for maintaining the nervous system.

One orange a day is enough to provide the body with vitamin C


In terms of vitamin C content, strawberry is equivalent to an orange: 60 mg of ascorbic acid is accounted for 100 grams of the product.

Other health benefits of strawberries:

  • is an excellent diuretic, helps with gallstone disease, kidney and urinary tract diseases;
  • has a calming effect on the liver;
  • has a sugar-reducing effect, therefore it is recommended in the diet of patients with diabetes mellitus.

Vitamin C can be fully replenished with 150 grams of strawberries per day

Video: 4 foods high in ascorbic acid

Bell pepper

Bell peppers, often referred to as bell peppers, contain twice the daily requirement of 200 mg vitamin C. Due to its valuable composition, pepper has many useful properties:

  • A large amount of antioxidants in the composition contributes to the removal of carcinogens and rejuvenation of the body at the cellular level.
  • Fiber cleanses the body in general and blood vessels in particular.
  • Rutin strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Alkaloids thin the blood. This combination of beneficial properties will be very useful for people prone to thrombosis.
  • Zinc will strengthen the nervous system and also improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.
  • The lycopene in red peppers will protect against UV damage.
Bell pepper
Bell pepper

One small bell pepper contains a daily requirement of vitamin C

So, we looked at which foods contain vitamin C. Now you can enrich your diet with healthy vegetables and fruits.
