Is It Possible To Wash Your Hair Every Day And What Will Come Of It
Is It Possible To Wash Your Hair Every Day And What Will Come Of It

Why you can't wash your hair every day

Girl in the shower
Girl in the shower

You've probably heard that your hair should be washed as little as possible. Is this true or just another beauty myth? In fact, the recommended frequency of washing your hair depends on the type of hair, and what is good for one person will harm another. Frequent washing of hair will lead to dryness, and rare - to the appearance of inflammation on the skin and even hair loss.

Can I wash my hair every day

Many people believe that washing your hair every day is harmful. Others argue that this is a required daily routine. Which of the two positions is correct can only be found with the help of trichologists. They are doctors who diagnose and treat diseases of the hair and scalp. In their opinion, healthy hair does not require daily creasing and can stay clean for several days.

Girl washes her hair
Girl washes her hair

According to experts, you can't wash your hair every day.

There are several reasons why you should not wash your hair daily:

  1. Sebum (sebum) secreted by the sebaceous glands covers the hair and protects it from UV radiation, hot air and precipitation. Washing your hair every day will wash off this protective layer and your hair will become dry and lifeless. As a result, they will split and fall out.
  2. For those with dry skin, daily shampooing will increase this problem and the appearance of dandruff.
  3. It can be assumed that washing your hair every day is beneficial for those with oily hair. But this is a misconception. If the protective layer of hair is washed off daily, the sebaceous glands will begin to produce sebum even faster.

Probably, everyone will remember that in childhood he washed his hair every 3-4 days or once a week, but today you have to do it every day. And our grandmothers could wash their hair even once every two weeks, but their hair was always clean. But with the advent of modern fragrant shampoos, everyone began to wash their hair more often, and the hair became dirty faster and faster. Therefore, remember - the more often you wash your hair, the faster your hair becomes greasy.

How often should you wash your hair

How often you wash your hair depends on what type of hair you have.

Straight hair

Grease on straight hair is more noticeable than on curly hair. For this reason, those with straight hair often wash their hair every day. If you have straight hair, you should wash it every other day. You also need to choose a good volumizing shampoo.

Girl with straight hair
Girl with straight hair

Owners of straight hair should wash them every other day.

Thick hair

Thick hair does not require frequent washing. If you have thick hair, you can wash your hair only once a week. The main thing is to choose a good shampoo with anti-inflammatory ingredients, as well as an oil that can cleanse the pores.

Girl with thick hair
Girl with thick hair

If you have thick hair, you can wash it once a week.

Wavy hair

Those with wavy hair should wash their hair every other day. Also get a sulfate-free shampoo that will lightly moisturize your hair. Unlike curly hair, wavy hair does not require much moisture.

Girl with wavy hair
Girl with wavy hair

For wavy hair, use a sulfate-free shampoo with a light moisturizing effect

Curly hair

The main problem with curly hair is grease at the roots and dry ends. Girls with hair like this should wash their hair every three days. Covashing is also recommended for owners of curls. This procedure involves washing your hair with only balm or conditioner. If you are not a proponent of this method, then just use a good cleansing shampoo.

Girl with curly hair
Girl with curly hair

It is recommended to wash curly hair every three days

Damaged hair

As with curls, damaged hair should be washed every three days. Damage from hair dye or keratin can cause your hair to become dry and stiff. Therefore, wash your hair with a shampoo for colored hair.

Girl with damaged hair
Girl with damaged hair

Dye damage can make hair dry and stiff

Greasy hair

Oily hair should never be washed daily. When we wash our heads and the scalp dries up, the sebaceous glands begin to secrete more sebum. Therefore, the more often you wash your hair, the more fat will be on it. Owners of oily hair should wash them every other day.

Girl with oily hair
Girl with oily hair

Oily hair should be washed every other day.

Normal hair

If your hair is not curly, it is not greasy or heavy, then absolutely any shampoo for normal hair will suit you. And you should wash your hair every other day.

Girl with normal hair
Girl with normal hair

People with normal hair should wash their hair every other day.

Washing your hair every day is really harmful. But this does not mean that now you have to do it once a week. Everything is individual: one should wash their hair every other day, the second - every three days, and the third - once a week. It all depends on what type of hair you own.
