What To Cook From Stuck Together Dumplings And How They Can Be Divided: Recipes And Reviews
What To Cook From Stuck Together Dumplings And How They Can Be Divided: Recipes And Reviews

What to cook from stuck together dumplings: original recipes for thrifty housewives

dumplings casserole
dumplings casserole

We often stock up on blanks and semi-finished products for future use and store them in the freezer of the refrigerator. This is very convenient: at any time you can take them out and cook or fry without spending a lot of time cooking. Dumplings have been and remain the most popular semi-finished products. True, sometimes we are faced with the fact that they stick together into one dense mass, which is almost impossible to separate. And most likely, when the dumplings are thawed, they will lose their beautiful appearance. What to do in this case?


  • 1 Can I eat sticky dumplings

    1.1 How you can try to separate sticky dumplings

  • 2 What to cook from sticky dumplings at home

    • 2.1 Fried lazy dumplings
    • 2.2 Dumplings pizza

      2.2.1 Video: dumplings pizza recipe

    • 2.3 Dumplings casserole
    • 2.4 How to make lasagna from dumplings
    • 2.5 Pelkots
  • 3 Video: what can be prepared from stuck together semi-finished products
  • 4 How to ensure that the dumplings do not stick together
  • 5 Hostess reviews

Is it possible to eat stuck together dumplings

In principle, stuck together dumplings are no different from ordinary ones: they are the same meat and dough. Deep freezing provides them with long-term storage, in which they will not deteriorate in the least. True, the very fact that they are stuck together in one lump is suggestive. This may be due to the following reasons:

  1. The dumplings are not of very high quality, from a cheap category, mistakes were made in their production, in particular, the dough was mixed incorrectly or low-grade flour was used.
  2. When storing dumplings, the refrigerator was defrosting (for example, during a prolonged power outage) and turned on again, that is, the product thawed and then froze.

    Boiled dumplings
    Boiled dumplings

    Boiled dumplings will just fall apart

In the first case, such a product is not worth eating at all: its low quality may be due to the use of the cheapest products. In the second situation, you need to be more careful. If the dumplings melt and stick together in your refrigerator, being fresh before, then they will not harm your health. After all, you know how much time they spent in a melted state. It is more difficult with the store ones: you do not know how many times these dumplings were defrosted and frozen again. At the time of purchase, they may already be rotten, and this can only be determined by smell after cooking.

How can you try to split sticky dumplings?

The situation may not be as hopeless as it seems at first glance. There are several ways you can try to separate the dumplings from each other.

  1. Leave frozen dumplings stuck together on the table. After a few minutes, they will begin to thaw. Try to detach them with your hands until you disassemble the whole lump. But do not let the dumplings defrost for a long time, otherwise the dough will break and the filling will fall out during cooking. If the dumplings are stuck together melted, send them to the freezer for 5 minutes - there the dough will grab and it will be easier for you to separate them.

    Cooked sticky dumplings in a bowl
    Cooked sticky dumplings in a bowl

    If you cook sticky dumplings without separating them, they can turn into an inedible raw lump.

  2. Apply force. Let the frozen dumplings lie for 2-3 minutes, then put them in a tight bag and knock them on the table until the lump crumbles into components.
  3. Cook the dumplings with butter. In this case, the dumplings should not be very sticky, or at least the lump should not be very large. Otherwise, it will be boiled on the outside and damp on the inside. Boil water, add 20 g of butter or 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil to it, add dumplings and cook, stirring all the time.
  4. You can try to boil sticky dumplings in a steam bath - they usually come off under the influence of steam. Place the lump on the dumplings in a saucepan of boiling water. Carefully separate the dumplings from the lump one at a time and set them aside until the entire lump is removed.

What to cook from sticky dumplings at home

If, however, the dumplings are stuck together so that it is not possible to separate them, simply use them to prepare an original new dish. There are a lot of options, and we present you some of them.

Fried lazy dumplings

You will need:

  • 500 g of dumplings;
  • vegetable or butter for frying.

Cooking process.

  1. Leave the dumplings to melt completely. You can even pack them in a bag and place them in warm water.
  2. Roll out the resulting mass in the form of a thick sausage and hold it in the freezer for several minutes: the mass will seize a little to make it easier to cut.

    Sliced sticky dumplings
    Sliced sticky dumplings

    To make the workpiece easier to cut, hold it a little in the freezer.

  3. Divide the resulting roll into portions, each 1-1.5 cm thick piece. Put them in a skillet with well-heated oil and fry on both sides over medium heat until tender.

    Fried lazy dumplings
    Fried lazy dumplings

    Fry lazy dumplings until golden brown

Dumplings pizza

And this recipe has become very popular for several years thanks to a quote from the popular Internet resource bash.org.ru. The sticky dumplings make an excellent base for pizza. On my own I can recommend this method; the filling can be anything to your taste. You will even be glad that the dumplings are stuck together and you have the opportunity to make such a pizza again. I even occasionally allow them to stick together on purpose.

Stuck together dumplings pizza
Stuck together dumplings pizza

Stuck together dumplings make a great base for pizza

You will need:

  • 500 g of dumplings;
  • 1 tablespoon mayonnaise;
  • 1 tablespoon ketchup
  • ½ teaspoon of mustard;
  • 150 g ham;
  • ½ red onion;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 3 scoops of mozzarella;
  • salt, ground pepper - to taste;
  • 150 g of hard cheese;
  • greens for decoration - optional.

Cooking process.

  1. Put the defrosted dumplings together on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Roll into a low layer, forming a circle out of it.

    Pizza crust
    Pizza crust

    Stuck together dumplings roll out well into a layer for the cake

  2. Brush with your favorite tomato sauce, mayonnaise and mustard can be added. Spread half-rings of onion and chopped ham over the surface. Top with mozzarella and tomato slices. Season with salt and pepper.
  3. Sprinkle the prepared pizza with grated cheese and place in the preheated oven for 30 minutes at 180 ° C. When serving the finished pizza on the table, sprinkle it with finely chopped herbs.

    Dumplings pizza
    Dumplings pizza

    Put any filling on the prepared crust, and most importantly - more cheese!

Video: dumplings pizza recipe

Dumplings casserole

It is also a fairly simple way to use sticky dumplings at no extra cost. Take the following foods:

  • 1-2 heads of onions;
  • oil for greasing pans and baking dishes;
  • 500 g of dumplings;
  • salt, black pepper - to taste;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 250 g mayonnaise;
  • 100 g of hard cheese;
  • greens for decoration.

We will cook like this.

  1. Turn on the oven, setting the temperature to 200 ° C - it should be well heated by the time you put the casserole in it. Chop the onion and fry it in a skillet in oil for 2-3 minutes. Grease a baking dish, heat it in the oven for a couple of minutes so that the dumplings do not stick to it later.
  2. Place the thawed dumplings that have stuck together in a mold and distribute evenly. Season with salt, pepper and lay out the fried onions.
  3. In a separate bowl, beat eggs with salt, pepper and mayonnaise. Pour the mixture over the dumplings so that it completely covers them. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top.
  4. Place the casserole dish for 40 minutes. When it's done, sprinkle it with chopped herbs.

    Dumplings casserole
    Dumplings casserole

    A casserole is a great way to "beat" sticky dumplings

How to make lasagne from dumplings

The very popular Italian dish lasagne can also be made using dumplings. You will need the following products:

  • 500 g of dumplings;
  • 140 g of hard cheese;
  • 6 tomatoes;
  • mold oil;
  • 100 g mayonnaise;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • 2 eggs;
  • salt, black pepper - to taste.

    Dumplings lasagna
    Dumplings lasagna

    For Italian lasagna, sticky dumplings are also great.

Cooking process.

  1. Defrost the dumplings first. Place the oven at 180 ° C. Meanwhile, grate the cheese and cut the tomatoes into circles.
  2. Grease the mold with oil, on the bottom put half of the dumplings, rolled into an even layer. Place half the tomatoes on top. Cover with another layer of dumplings, on which place the remaining tomatoes.
  3. Whisk eggs with mayonnaise, sour cream and spices in a bowl. Pour over the lasagna and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake in the oven for 45 minutes, then serve.


The name of this dish seems somewhat exotic, but in fact it is just dumplings cutlets. For them you will need:

  • 500 g of dumplings;
  • 1 onion;
  • salt, black pepper - to taste;
  • chips or crackers for breading;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

How to cook pelcotes.

  1. Scroll defrosted dumplings through a meat grinder or food processor, adding onion, salt and pepper. Form the minced meat into round, flattened cutlets.
  2. Breaded patties in breadcrumbs. If you use chips for this, pre-grind them into crumbs right in the bag. Fry the pelcots over medium heat in vegetable oil until golden brown on all sides.

    Pelkots with garnish
    Pelkots with garnish

    Dumplings cutlets - isn't it a great idea?

Video: what can be prepared from stuck together semi-finished products

How to ensure that dumplings do not stick together

Problems can be avoided by following a few simple rules.

  1. Spread the freshly made dumplings on a baking sheet or tray, sprinkle with flour and leave for 10-15 minutes to dry, at a distance from each other. Only then send them to the freezer in the same baking sheet. After a couple of hours, they can be poured into a bag and put in the freezer for long-term storage.
  2. For dumplings, it is better to use a quick deep freeze dry type. If your refrigerator has such a function, be sure to use it. In a regular freezer, dumplings are likely to stick to each other due to moisture in the device and a long time.
  3. To prevent the dumplings from sticking together during cooking, put them only in boiling water. Do not defrost them beforehand, otherwise the dough will become soft and will probably stick together in the pan. Salt the water before adding the dumplings, and after boiling, put butter or your favorite sauce in the finished dish.

Hostess reviews

It seems that nothing is impossible for our person when it comes to using ingenuity to correct mistakes. Our mothers and grandmothers taught us not to throw away food, and now we share with each other ideas on how to use products that have lost their presentation. Tell us in the comments how you deal with sticky dumplings? Which cooking methods do you like the most? Good luck!
