How To Live Up To 100 Years In A Sober Mind And Clear Memory
How To Live Up To 100 Years In A Sober Mind And Clear Memory

A cat, a vegetable garden and 9 more ideas on how to make it to 100 years in a sober mind and clear memory


The onset of retirement age is considered by many to be a "sentence": memory deteriorates, reaction speed decreases, steps are more and more difficult. You need to think about what your old age will be now, because there are ways to live up to a hundred years in your right mind, clear memory and good physical shape.


Lose excess weight

A calmer, measured lifestyle and age-related hormonal changes lead to the fact that a person is gaining extra pounds. As a result, the load on the heart increases, which has already exhausted more than half of its resource.

Excess weight causes pressure problems. And then, like a snowball, others are superimposed on some ailments. And now it is already difficult for a person to walk, because the load on the joints has increased, it is difficult to breathe, and so on.

It turns out that with every extra kilogram you lose several months of your own life. Therefore, first of all, get rid of excess weight.

Get a dog or cat

Human psychology is arranged in such a way that in order to force the body to be in good shape, you need to take care of someone and be sure that your help is needed. First, parents give their love to children, then grandparents give their grandchildren. But now the grandchildren have grown up, have started their own families, independently cope with all the troubles. And your care and life experience were out of work.

It's time to get a pet. It doesn't matter if it is a cat, a dog or a dwarf rabbit, the main thing is that this creature will gratefully accept your affection, warmth and care. And the emotions that pets will give you will have a beneficial effect on your condition. Contact with a furry friend can lower blood pressure and inhibit stress.

Stop frying food

We are not encouraging everyone to switch to oatmeal, although this also gives a good result. But it's still worth revising your menu.

Add light foods to your diet: fish, vegetables, fruits, cereals. And most importantly, give up fried foods. In the process of frying meat under the influence of high temperatures, harmful substances are released that increase the risk of developing various diseases, including cancer.

Become a gardener or gardener


Physical activity improves the supply of blood to the brain, increases efficiency, sets the tone and mood.

If there is no other incentive for constant movement, become a gardener or gardener. A small summer cottage will soon become an outlet for you - even a simple walk through the blooming garden accompanied by the singing of birds reduces stress levels.

Working in the garden will help you burn calories and keep your body in good shape. You will enjoy what you do and see the results of your work.

Guess crosswords

Exercising your brain is as important as exercising your muscles. Guess crosswords, play chess, solve logic puzzles - analytical work requires attracting the maximum number of neurons.

Even simple verbal math calculations can help keep your brain cells in good shape. An exercise with colored text gives a good effect - when reading phrases written in different colors, you need to pronounce the color of each sentence or word. This stimulates the work of both hemispheres of the brain - one is responsible for the text, the other for the perception of color.

Never give up

A significant role in the struggle for full-fledged life activity in mature and old age is played by the desire to live - to live not because of something, but in spite of all the hardships and troubles that fate throws up.

In one word: never give up. This is precisely the slogan of people who have lived to be 100 years old. During their long century, many centenarians had to endure heavy losses or start their lives from scratch, but, nevertheless, they continued to live and fight.

Eat chocolate


And here's a sweet way to extend your life: Eat chocolate. But first, make sure it's high in cocoa.

The polyphenol found in beans is a powerful antioxidant and reduces the risk of heart disease.

Take your time to retire

If you are still considered a valuable worker in your business, take your time to retire. After all, life is in motion.

People who continue to work at retirement age feel more vigorous and healthier than those who have decided to leave work. And even young people will envy their cheerfulness.

Laugh more often

Overcoming life's difficulties is easier with humor, laughing at small troubles. Moreover, laughter improves blood circulation as well as exercise.

The decrease in the level of stress hormones is also his merit. Laughing and having fun is beneficial - it helps the body produce endorphins that lift your mood. In a word, laughter prolongs life.

Get enough sleep

To restore strength, the body needs rest, because the older a person becomes, the more difficult it is for him to recuperate in a short time. By depriving yourself of proper sleep, you personally bring your old age closer.

It is more difficult for an organism that has not recovered its strength to cope with chronic diseases and resist various viruses. Be sure to get enough sleep to keep your body and mind alive. Try to go to bed before 11 pm, because the active phase of cell regeneration lasts only until midnight.

Eating a Mediterranean diet


The traditions in the diet of the inhabitants of the Mediterranean countries, as confirmed by the studies of Greek and American scientists, have a strong medical effect and affect the increase in life expectancy.

The basis of the diet is vegetables, fruits, fish and seafood, olive oil and other sources of fat. Red wine is an integral part of the diet, but everything should be in moderation.

Observing simple recommendations, you can not only meet old age with dignity, but also enjoy this wonderful and respectable age, and as a cartoon character Postman Pechkin boldly declare: “I’m just starting to live - I’m going to retire”.