Table of contents:
- Syngonium: how to grow a gorgeous vine at home
- Description of the syngonium as a species
- Types of syngonium
- Table: features of content depending on the season
- How to plant and transplant syngonium?
- Home care
- Table: pests and control measures
- Reproduction of syngonium
- Growing reviews
- Video: features of syngoniums
2025 Author: Bailey Albertson | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:41
Syngonium: how to grow a gorgeous vine at home

Indoor flowers can easily create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort. For these purposes, flower growers use plant species with a climbing stem, which, when properly placed and cared for, can bring something unusual and exotic into the interior of the room. One of the most popular plants in floriculture with similar properties is syngonium. How to take care of him at home?
- 1 Description of the syngonium as a species
2 Types of syngonium
2.1 Photo gallery: popular plant varieties
- 3 Table: features of content depending on the season
- 4 How to plant and transplant syngonium?
5 Home care
- 5.1 Lighting
- 5.2 Watering, moisture and fertilization
- 5.3 How to prune and shape a beautiful plant?
- 5.4 Table: growing problems
6 Table: pests and control measures
6.1 Photo gallery: common flower pests
7 Reproduction of syngonium
- 7.1 Apical cuttings
- 7.2 Shoots
- 8 Reviews about cultivation
- 9 Video: features of syngoniums
Description of the syngonium as a species
Syngonium is a fast-growing herbaceous representative of the Araceae family, an evergreen epiphyte. In botany, 33 species are known to exist. The syngonium has thin stems with aerial roots, resembling a liana. Its leaf plate is arrow-shaped or heart-shaped, monochromatic or variegated green color. Shades can range from dark to almost white. The leaf is solid, has a parallel edge vein; as the plant grows, it can be divided into segments. In indoor conditions, syngonium does not bloom. When grown outdoors and in nature, a white-pink cob-shaped inflorescence may appear.

Syngonium is a unique plant with a variety of colors
In its natural environment, syngonium grows in the tropics of Central and South America. He prefers to settle in tropical forests, where he twines around large plants and, with their help, reaches for more light.
Syngonium is an unpretentious plant. Subject to the basic rules of care and providing the necessary support at home, a tropical flower will be able to delight with its elegance and showiness for many years.
Types of syngonium
Despite the large number of syngonium species, only a few of them are used for decorative cultivation:
- Syngonium podophyllum (Syngonium podophyllum). Has a thin climbing stem. Changes the shape of the leaf plate during life. Young plants have a whole leaf up to 13 centimeters in size; as they mature, the leaf divides up to a maximum of 11 segments. Petioles up to 60 centimeters. Several colors have been bred: from monochromatic green to motley pink-green variations. The annual growth of shoots is more than half a meter.
- Syngonium auritum (Syngonium auritum). During life, it is inclined to change the shape of the leaf plate from solid to three-segment. In adult representatives, the leaf reaches 6–20 centimeters, has ear-shaped processes. Petioles are about 40 centimeters. The stem can grow up to a meter in length over a year.
- Syngonium wendlandii. The stem is climbing. Petioles no more than 30 centimeters. The leaves are dark green in color, with a velvety surface, reaching a length of 10 centimeters. The shape of the leaf plate is similar to the auricular syngonium.
- Syngonium neon pink has a unique color. Shades of the leaf are pale pink with a greenish tint.
- Syngonium white butterfly is especially popular at home. Its leaf is segmented, similar to a butterfly. Shade from white to pinkish.
Photo gallery: popular plant varieties
Syngonium leg-leaved -
As the syngonium of the leaved leaf grows, segmentation of the leaf
Syngonium Wendland - Syngonium Wendland has a light vein in the center of the leaf
Syngonium auricular - The leaf at the auricular syngonium consists of three segments
Syngonium butterfly - A distinctive feature of the syngonium butterfly is a leaf that looks like a butterfly (hence the name)
Syngonium pink - Syngonium pink has an interesting leaf color
Table: features of content depending on the season
Season | Temperature regime | Humidity | Watering | Lighting | Top dressing |
Spring Summer | + 18 ° С - + 24 ° С |
Daily spraying. Warm shower once a month. |
Abundantly, as the substrate dries. | Semi-shaded places, diffused light. | Every 2-3 weeks. |
Autumn winter | + 15 ° С - + 18 ° С | Spraying 2-3 times a week. | In autumn it is rare, in winter it is very rare. |
Diffused light. Sometimes artificial lighting for variegated species |
Not required. |
How to plant and transplant syngonium?
It is necessary to replant young specimens annually; for adults, it is enough to change the soil and pot every two to three years. The transplanting procedure is carried out in the spring months by the transfer method without destroying the soil coma.
According to most gardeners, the syngonium prefers flat containers. When transplanting, you should choose a pot slightly larger than the previous one. It is imperative to have a drainage hole and a sufficient drainage layer, which is used as expanded clay, pebbles, chipped shards and other similar materials.
The soil should be slightly acidic or neutral, light and loose in structure. As a substrate, ready-made soils for aroids are used, or they are made independently from leafy earth, sod land, coarse sand and peat in a ratio of 1: 1: 1/2: 1.
Transplant procedure:
Gently remove the plant from the old pot, without disturbing the integrity of the earthen coma.
Syngonium transplant The transplant is carried out by the transshipment method without disturbing the earthen coma
- Install a support in the center of the pot.
- Pour a few centimeters of drainage at the bottom.
- Add a third of the amount of soil.
- Install the plant, spread loose roots.
- Fill up the missing soil around the earthen coma, tamping slightly.
Home care
For the successful cultivation of syngonium at home, it is important to follow certain rules.
Syngonium does not tolerate bright sunlight, it feels comfortable in oppressed places, where a sufficient amount of diffused sunlight enters.
Watering, moisture and fertilization
Water the plant with settled water. In the summer, watering is carried out abundantly, as the substrate dries. With the arrival of cold weather, the amount of watering is significantly reduced in order to prevent decay of the root system.
Syngonium prefers high humidity. Daily spraying is required, as well as periodic wiping of the leaf plate. In the summer, it is advisable to arrange a monthly shower for the plant.
All varieties of syngonium need regular application of mineral fertilizers, once every 2-3 weeks during the active growing season. It is important that the composition contains a minimum calcium content and a sufficient amount of nitrogen. You can apply complex fertilizers for ornamental deciduous houseplants, for example, Bona forte or Blooming Paradise. Use them in accordance with the instructions. With the arrival of autumn and until the end of the dormant period, the plant does not need additional nutrition.
How to prune and shape a beautiful plant?
To create a spectacular decorative look and better branching of the plant, it is necessary to use some techniques:
- The plants are pruned annually in the spring. Excessively long shoots are shortened to about 15-30 centimeters.
- For better branching and giving pomp, pinching the top of the syngonium over the sixth or seventh leaf is carried out.
- To make the plant look more beautiful, you should provide it with support, for example, install a moss tube in the center of the pot.
Table: growing problems
Signs | Possible reason | Solution to the problem |
Leaves shrink, growth slows down | Lack of nutrients | Perform regular fertilizing or transplant the plant into new soil |
The tips dry out, and then the leaf blade itself | Dry air | Increase the number of sprays, remove from heating devices |
Leaves turn yellow | Excessive watering or bright lighting | Adjust the watering regime, shade from bright light or rearrange |
Foliage withering due to decay of the root system | Excessive watering | Adjust mode |
Elongation of shoots | Lack of light | Organize sufficient sunshine |
Table: pests and control measures
Pest type | Signs of defeat | Prevention | Treatment |
Aphid | Loss of brightness, yellowing, twisting of the sheet plate. | Regular inspection. Periodic wiping with soapy water (rub 20 g of soap on a grater and dissolve in a liter of water). | Application of insecticides (Actellik, Fitoverm, Decis, Derris, Intavir, etc.) in accordance with the instructions. |
Thrips | Light spots on the leaves, the color becomes gray-brown sheen. Colonies of larvae are visible on the underside of the leaf plate. | ||
Shield | Growth slows down, leaves dry. |
Photo gallery: common flower pests
Shields - Due to the scale insects, the flower slows down growth
Thrips - Thrips destroy the plant
Aphids on a leaf - Aphids suck the juice out of the plant
Reproduction of syngonium
Syngonium can be propagated by apical cuttings, as well as by shoots.
Apical cuttings
Choose an apical stalk about 15 centimeters long. One growth point and two leaves are required.
Syngonium propagation by cuttings The cutting should have a growing point and several leaves
- The stalk is placed in a container with a growth stimulator, after removing the bottom sheet. For this purpose, you can use Heteroauxin (1 tablet per 5 liters of water), Kornevin (1 g per liter of water) and other drugs.
- Prepare soil from a mixture of sand and peat (1: 1).
- The cutting is deepened into the substrate to the leaf, watered and a greenhouse is created, covered with a film.
- Ventilate daily for 5 minutes. Maintain sufficient soil moisture and temperature within + 18 ° C.
- Rooting takes place within three weeks, after which the polyethylene is removed.
- Shoots are chosen that have two growth buds.
- They are placed in water with the addition of activated carbon (2 tablets per liter) or a growth stimulant. Rooting in moss, vermiculite, a mixture of sand and peat is also possible.
- When placing the shoot horizontally on a substrate, the container is covered with glass like a greenhouse. They are waiting for the roots to appear.
- After the appearance of the roots, the syngonium is transplanted into the usual soil suitable for an adult plant.
Growing reviews
Video: features of syngoniums
Thanks to its elegance, syngonium is able to transform any interior. It looks spectacular both by winding around the support, and freely hanging the shoots in the absence of supporting elements. Despite its unpretentiousness, the flower requires regular maintenance. Otherwise, numerous problems and diseases appear.
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