Pakhira: All The Nuances Of Caring For A Plant At Home + Photos And Videos
Pakhira: All The Nuances Of Caring For A Plant At Home + Photos And Videos

Tips for growing a tropical pakhira tree at home

pakhira in pots
pakhira in pots

In a home or office, a tropical pachira tree looks very exotic. It seems that the cultivation of this miracle will require considerable effort and knowledge. However, caring for pakhira at home will be within the reach of even a novice florist.


  • 1 Origin and appearance of the plant

    1.1 Pakhira in nature and at home - photo

  • 2 Conditions for pakhira - table
  • 3 Plant propagation

    • 3.1 How to propagate by cuttings
    • 3.2 How to propagate by seed
    • 3.3 Pachira transplant
  • 4 Care

    • 4.1 Watering
    • 4.2 Top dressing
    • 4.3 Trimming and shaping the trunk
  • 5 Care errors and ways to correct them, treatment - table
  • 6 How to deal with pests - table

    6.1 Pests of pakhira - photo

  • 7 Reviews of gardeners
  • 8 Home flowers: pakhira - video

The origin and appearance of the plant

In the trunk of the plant, between the bark and the wood, there is a cavity in which water accumulates. Leaves are bright green, complex, with long petioles. They are similar to chestnuts, therefore pakhira is also called Guiana or Malabar chestnut. Under natural conditions, the tree grows up to 20 m. Indoor specimens, of course, are more modest - up to 3 m in height and 1.5 m in crown diameter.

The flowers of the pakhira are large and unusual. The inflorescence consists of many long, narrow, fragrant flowers. However, they can only be seen in nature or in greenhouses - pakhira does not bloom at home.

The fruits are also large, a slightly elongated woody berry with seeds that are edible - they can be eaten raw and fried.

The most popular type of pakhira, grown at home, is called aquatic pakhira. Leaves are shiny and smooth, leathery, dark green in color. Can withstand drought for quite a long time. There are also round-leaved pakhira (it is characterized by long creeping shoots) and silver pakhira (with silvery stripes on the leaves).

Pakhira in nature and at home - photo

Pakhira in the interior
Pakhira in the interior
Pakhira can add a special flavor to the interior

At home, the growth of an adult pakhira is about 3 m

Pakhira in nature
Pakhira in nature
In nature, a tree can grow up to 20 m
Pakhira flowers
Pakhira flowers
Pakhira flowers are unusual and fragrant
Pakhira fruit
Pakhira fruit
Pakhira fruit contains edible seeds

Conditions for pakhira - table

Season Temperature Lighting Humidity
Spring Summer 22-25 ° C Bright diffused light. Windows facing east or west. Shading is necessary on the south side, especially from 10 am to 5 pm. On the northern windows, with a lack of light, the pakhira will stretch out. Periodic spraying of leaves in the morning and evening, especially in the heat. In this case, moisture should not get on the trunk.
Autumn winter

Not lower than 15-18 ° С.

The tree should not be exposed to drafts. Also, do not put pakhira next to heating appliances.

Without additional moisture to the leaves.

Plant propagation

Pakhira can be propagated by cuttings and seeds. The latter can be purchased at specialized stores.

How to propagate by cuttings

  1. In August, cut off the upper stalk from the main plant. It should be lignified, with leaf and bud.

    Pachira stalk
    Pachira stalk

    The stalk for planting must be lignified, with a leaf and a bud

  2. The cutting should be placed in a well-dampened mixture of sand and peat.
  3. Organize a mini-greenhouse - you need to put a film on the container with the handle.
  4. Provide high humidity and temperature not lower than 26 o C.

    Rooted stalk
    Rooted stalk

    In the damp earth, the pachira cut will sprout roots

  5. The greenhouse should be ventilated periodically.
  6. When roots appear, transplant a new pakhira into the main pot.

How to propagate by seeds

The seeds have good germination immediately after ripening, the longer they are stored, the less chance of germination.

  1. Put the seeds on the soil (a mixture of peat and sand), lightly sprinkle with earth.

    Pakhira seeds
    Pakhira seeds

    Pakhira seeds in fruit

  2. Spray and cover the container with glass.
  3. Maintain the soil temperature and air in the greenhouse for at least 25 of S.
  4. Ventilate the greenhouse, moisten the ground as needed.
  5. The sprouts will appear in 3 weeks.


    After 3 weeks, sprouts will appear from the pakhira seeds

  6. When the plants get stronger, they need to be planted.

Pachira transplant

Subsequently, the pakhira is transplanted once a year to accelerate growth. Better to do this in March. For adult plants, it is enough to change the pot and soil once every 3 years.

  1. For pakhira, neutral or slightly acidic, light soil is required. Leafy and turfy land plus sand in equal proportions. Ready-made mixtures for dracaena or palm trees are also suitable. 1/4 of the pot must necessarily be occupied by drainage - brick chips and fine charcoal.

    Drainage at the bottom of the pot
    Drainage at the bottom of the pot

    Drainage at the bottom of the pot is needed for pachira

  2. The pot is needed wide (each time - 3-5 cm wider than the previous one) and shallow, since the roots of pakhira grow in breadth, not in depth.

    Pachira transplant
    Pachira transplant

    The transplanted flower is carefully removed along with a lump of earth on the roots

  3. Carefully remove the plant from the previous pot, lightly shaking off the earthy clod from the roots.
  4. Move to a new container, cover with soil. The root system should not be buried in the ground, otherwise it can rot.
  5. Drizzle without excess.



In the summer, pakhira is watered abundantly, but between procedures the top layer of the earth should dry out. Water should be poured around the perimeter of the pot and should not be allowed to fall on the trunk of the plant.

Top dressing

You need to feed the plant from mid-spring to the end of summer 1 time in 3 weeks. For this, complex fertilizers for indoor plants are suitable.

Fertilizer for indoor plants
Fertilizer for indoor plants

Fertilizer for indoor plants is also suitable for pakhira

Trimming the crown and shaping the trunk

Very often, the pakhira trunks are intertwined - this is not a natural phenomenon, but an artificial one. Thus, sellers and growers strive to increase the decorative effect of the plant. This is done as follows: several seedlings are grown in one pot and flexible trunks are intertwined. This process is long (at least 3 years).

In spring, the pachira shoots should be pruned - this will limit the height of the plant and stimulate the appearance of new leaves, which will make the crown thicker and more lush. This will give the foliage a shape like a ball.

Care errors and ways to correct them, treatment - table

Problem Cause Solution method
Leaves wither lack of water Increase watering.
Leaves shrink and become faded lack of light Move the plant to a well-lit place.
The plant is stretched
Light spots appear on the leaves excess light Rearrange the plant in partial shade or shade.
The leaves became soft and curled low room temperature (or large differences between day and night) Increase the temperature or move the plant to a warmer room.
Brown spots form on the leaves lack of watering, drafts or low air humidity Eliminate drafts, regulate humidity and watering.
The trunk is rotting excess moisture in the soil
  1. Scrape out the affected wood with a knife, treat with coal.
  2. Dig out pakhira, cut off rotting roots, cut the cuts with crushed coal. Leave to lie in the shade. Plant in new soil and do not water for a week.
The trunk is soft, not springy decay of the trunk or roots
Leaves fall pot too spacious for a plant Transplant the pakhira into a smaller container.
lack of nutrients Feed.

How to deal with pests - table

Pests Damage Control measures
Spider mites Small purple insects. As a result of their attack, the leaves turn yellow, covered with cobwebs.
  1. Prevention: spraying the leaves, since the mite reproduces only in a dry environment.
  2. Processing the leaves with a napkin soaked in soapy water.
  3. In case of severe damage - with Fitoverm, Actellik, Agravertin and others (according to the instructions).
Shields When the scabbard sticks to the leaf, a yellow spot appears there, gradually increasing. The leaf turns yellow, curls and falls off. The insect is covered with a "shield", so spraying gives almost no results. You need to collect pests manually: moisten a napkin in a solution of Aktara or Karbofos preparations and thoroughly wipe all the leaves.
Aphid Small insects (like white droplets). They feed on leaf juice. Leaves sticky marks.
  1. Manual removal of insects and the most affected leaves.
  2. Placing a pot next to the pakhira with a strong-smelling plant that will scare away aphids (for example, geraniums).
  3. Processing the leaves with a napkin soaked in soapy water.
Thrips Small insects with a narrow elongated body and wings. They leave traces - small dark dots. They destroy leaves, are carriers of viruses and diseases.
  1. Removing insects by hand with a cotton swab or soft brush.
  2. In case of severe damage, treatment with Fitoverm, Actellik, Agravertin preparations (according to the instructions).

Pakhira pests - photo

Severe damage to scabbards can cause plant death
Aphids feed on leaf sap and leave sticky marks
Spider mite
Spider mite
A tick entangles a plant with cobwebs
Thrips destroy leaves, carry viruses

Gardeners reviews




Home flowers: pakhira - video

Fans of unusual plants often opt for such a plant as pakhira. Its unusual appearance can decorate any interior, and its unpretentious care will please the owners.
