Why You Can't Greet And Pass Things Over The Threshold: Signs And Facts
Why You Can't Greet And Pass Things Over The Threshold: Signs And Facts

What's wrong with the threshold: why you can't greet and transfer things through it

Entrance door
Entrance door

Surely each of the readers at least once faced with the unwillingness of a friend to greet over the threshold or transfer things. And some of you adhere to this rule yourself. But what is it dictated by? Is it etiquette or superstition? Let's take a look at the roots of the ban.

Why can't you greet across the threshold

This ban was formed in Ancient Russia. Now most scientists believe that the reason for this is burial. Previously, many people buried relatives not in cemeteries, but right in the yard - under the shade of their own tree, not far from their father's house. Therefore, a person who greeted the tenants without entering the house could disturb the dead man - suddenly he decides that it is he who is being addressed. To ensure peace of mind for a deceased relative, people first let guests into the house, and there they already greeted them.

There is no rational reason to refuse greetings outside the door. However, many people in Russia still follow this rule and become nervous if a guest greets without crossing the threshold. Therefore, if you have superstitious friends in your circle, it is better to accept their little weakness and be courteous by obeying the rules of the owners.

Entrance door
Entrance door

Nowadays, few people bury relatives right outside the door (especially in apartment buildings), so superstition is not supported by anything

Why is it forbidden to transfer things over the threshold

And if everything is clear with greetings, then how do superstitions explain the ban on the transfer of things across the threshold? There are several opinions on this matter. The first again refers us to the ancestors buried in the yard. Burial sites are believed to have negative energy. And the threshold and door are not allowed into the house. Therefore, if a person is outside the house, then by giving away a thing, he risks losing his positive energy, leaving it to the dead.

The second explanation is related to the threshold itself. Evil spirits supposedly live in it (or under it). If a person voluntarily stretches something through the threshold, then they can capture his soul.

There is another version, which claims that the threshold is capable of dividing the world into zones with different energies. If you transfer a thing to a person without being in his energy field, then you will lose your luck, and misfortunes will pursue him.

Cat on the doorstep
Cat on the doorstep

The threshold is the border of the house that divides the world into external and internal

Rational reasons

As in the case of the greeting, here you can only refer to etiquette. It would be more polite to invite the guest to come in, say hello, and then take the necessary thing, rather than in a hurry to pick up something through the threshold and close the door in front of the person's nose. However, this rule does not apply to close people, friends, relatives - many people do not consider etiquette in informal communication.

The duty of a good owner is to invite a person into the house, and already there to conduct conversations and exchange things with him. However, if you are in a hurry, then no evil spirits will punish you for violating these prohibitions - after all, it is unlikely that the dead are buried before your doorstep.
