Misconceptions About Makeup And Cosmetics
Misconceptions About Makeup And Cosmetics

7 misconceptions about makeup and cosmetics that many believe


Makeup is not just an art, but a whole science, shrouded in many myths and misconceptions. Let's highlight 6 common misconceptions that many believe in.

The more expensive the cosmetics, the better


The price of cosmetics is not at all an indicator of quality. You can buy a product for several thousand rubles that does not adhere well to the skin, rolls down, causes allergies or does not give any effect. Or for a penny to buy excellent cosmetics that will make you a girl for the cover of a glossy magazine.

When you buy expensive products, you usually pay for the brand. And if the product is advertised by some celebrity, then you also pay her fee. So, don't be afraid to buy unmarketable brands that aren't advertised on TV. Through trial and error, you can put together a decent cosmetic bag for mere pennies.

Concealer should be lighter than skin


It is believed that you need to mask bruises under the eyes with a concealer several tones lighter than the natural skin color. But in this case, instead of dark circles under the eyes, light spots appear. This will be especially noticeable in the sun and in photographs.

The ideal concealer should match your natural skin tone or be just half a tone lighter. Then it will lie on the skin imperceptibly.

There should be a lot of mascara


It is believed that before applying mascara, you need to lower the brush several times into the tube so that it captures as much of the product as possible. Then the makeup will be spectacular. In fact, from a large amount of mascara, eyelashes will simply stick together and lose their natural volume.

In addition, by lowering the brush into the bottle, you drive air bubbles inside. Because of this, mascara dries very quickly and becomes unusable. So don't be too zealous to dip the brush into the bottle.

Bronzer should be applied all over the face


It is believed that bronzer needs to be applied all over the face to achieve a golden tan. In fact, this technique will just make your face shine ugly and make your makeup look unnatural.

To make the face look dark, just apply a little bronzer to the raised areas, which usually tan first. These are the forehead, cheekbones, nose and the edge of the chin. Then the "tan" will look natural.

Only waterproof mascara


It is believed that waterproof mascara in all respects is better than usual. In fact, it is not necessary in everyday life. It is appropriate only in bad weather (when it rains), at some events where you are going to cry with happiness (for example, a wedding), at photo shoots in the pool or at sea.

Continuous use of waterproof mascara can damage your lashes. First, it dries the hairs a lot. Secondly, in order to erase such mascara (even with special means), you have to rub the eyelids hard, which harms both the eyelashes and the skin.

Eyebrow color to match the shade of hair


It is believed that the color of the eyebrows should match the shade of the hair. In fact, this is only true for those who do not dye their curls. The rest need to focus not on the color of the paint, but on the natural hair color.

Nature has endowed each person with a color type that cannot be changed by dyeing their hair. Therefore, if you have turned from a burning brunette into a blonde, do not rush to lighten your eyebrows. You can literally make them a shade lighter, but generally stick to an authentic shade.

You don't need to wash your makeup brushes


It is believed that if you are using makeup brushes alone, you do not need to wash them. But this is fraught with consequences. The remains of cosmetics and skin particles on beauty instruments are a favorable environment for the development of microbes, which provoke severe rashes and irritations. Also, the infection can get under the skin, and then it will take a long and expensive treatment with antibiotics and expensive drugs.
