White Plants For Flower Bed Decoration
White Plants For Flower Bed Decoration

Universal color: 11 white plants for flower bed decoration


White is considered a classic not only when choosing a wardrobe, but also in a summer cottage. It will add tenderness to your flower bed and highlight brighter plants. These flowers can be used to decorate borders or plant them around bushes.



Snow-white phloxes are great in any flower bed and bloom all summer. They must be planted with seedlings in early May in the ground or deep flowerpots. The plant prefers partial shade and does not tolerate heat well, and it also quickly burns out in bright sun.

Phlox thrive in drained soil with a high humus content. For this, fertile sand without clay is suitable. The plant needs abundant watering, otherwise it will bloom poorly and give little greenery. Once a month, it needs to be fed with organic fertilizers with the addition of potassium salt.



This beautiful perennial with a pleasant vanilla aroma will perfectly fit into any flower bed. Liatris has bright inflorescences that can be dried and put in a vase in winter. He feels good in lit places and is not afraid of the July heat.

It is necessary to plant liatris in a nutritious soil and ensure regular loosening of the soil. The plant has weak roots and does not tolerate stagnant water well, so it cannot be grown in lowlands and in places with a close occurrence of groundwater.



Anemone will become a real decoration of the garden, as its unusual flowers immediately attract attention - they have a bright and large core. It is planted with a dense carpet to create a color transition or highlight the center of the flower bed. The plant is demanding to care, does not tolerate drafts and bright sun.

The plant needs regular watering during the flowering period. To avoid waterlogging of the soil, it is worth laying out a layer of mulch from peat or leaves of fruit trees.



The official name of this plant is nivyanik, but people most often call it chamomile. It is an unpretentious crop with a shallow root system that blooms twice a year. Large-flowered chamomile needs sun, while other varieties tolerate partial shade well.

In order for the lemongrass to feel good, it needs loose, neutral or alkaline soil. It tolerates drought without problems and only needs watering in hot weather. The plant loves organic fertilizers, therefore, when planting in the ground, compost is pre-laid in the hole.



The peculiarity of the dicenter is in the heart-shaped flowers that are dotted with its long stems. It grows in any soil and quickly takes root even in shaded areas. The land for planting a plant must be dug up in advance, spilled with mineral fertilizers, and then humus added.

The dicenter must be planted in deep holes and the distance between the bushes must be at least half a meter. Before planting, the bottom of the hole is drained with broken brick or fine gravel. If the soil is heavy, mix it with sand or limestone chips.



Even a novice gardener can handle the cultivation of this graceful shrub. Thin green stems and many white flowers make the gypsophila look like a lush bedspread. It grows well in width, so it is used to create an alpine slide or fill large spaces.

Gypsophila needs a well-drained soil and will not grow in soil with a high clay content. A week before planting the plant, it is necessary to sprinkle the soil with lime and apply mineral fertilizers. Further feeding is performed only during the flowering period.



When closed, the buds of this perennial resemble bells that bloom on tall, thin stems. The peculiarity of aquilegia is that it blooms only in the second year, and in the first, a root rosette is formed. The plant loves partial shade and perfectly coexists with azaleas and rhododendrons.

Aquilegia has a developed root system, so it does not require frequent watering. To keep the plant comfortable, remove the weeds and weed the soil regularly. At the beginning of the growing season, it is necessary to feed the flower with a mixture of superphosphate, potassium salt and nitrate.



The luxurious delphinium will take center stage in any flower bed. It is a tall and stately perennial with large peduncles. He does not tolerate the bright sun and wind, but in general it is unpretentious in care.

Plant the delphinium on fertile soil and make sure it doesn't dry out. Regular feeding will promote active growth, in addition to ready-made fertilizers, you can use manure and rotted compost.



This herbaceous plant grows to a height of 120 cm and quickly spreads through the flowerbed, displacing weaker crops. Physostegia stems look like spikelets with small tubular flowers. It thrives on fertile, breathable soils.

Physostegy begins to wither due to lack of moisture, so it must be watered regularly. After that, be sure to loosen the soil and remove the weeds. The plant needs fertilization if it grows on poor soils; in other cases, feeding can be neglected.

Oriental poppy


Contrary to popular belief, poppy can have not only red flowers - this variety has medium-sized white buds. Oriental poppy is unpretentious in care and tolerates frost well. It is planted in sunny or slightly shaded areas, preferably in the center of the flower bed, so that the tall stems of the plant look more effective.

During the growth period, it is necessary to feed the plant with fertilizers - then the flowers will be larger and brighter. It should be remembered that poppy bushes grow a lot, so you should not place them close to each other and plant next to crops that need bright sun.
