Unusual Varieties Of Daylilies That Will Decorate A Flower Garden
Unusual Varieties Of Daylilies That Will Decorate A Flower Garden

9 unusual varieties of daylilies that will become the main decoration of the flower bed


Lily flowers captivate with their graceful appearance and can rightfully become the main element of the flower bed. Among them, several varieties stand out that are easy to care for and look impressive.

Alpine Raffles


The buds of these lilies reach 12 cm in diameter. The stems grow up to 65 cm. The flowering period lasts from July to August. The plant successfully develops both in partial shade and in a well-lit area.

Lilies can withstand temperatures down to -40 ° C. If there is little snow, then additional cover will be required. The composition of the soil in which the flowers are grown does not play a big role. The plant needs ordinary garden soil. If the soil is not nutritious enough, then it can be fertilized with compost or mineral compounds.

Bening Daylight


A representative of the Burning Daylight variety will be a worthy decoration of the flower arrangement. Stems up to 90 cm high, bright orange buds up to 12 cm in diameter and a small amount of foliage distinguish this species from others. Easy to combine with many plants. Looks spectacular in cascading flower beds and on round flower beds.

For cultivation, loam or light soil in a sunny area is preferable. Representatives of the variety will bloom well on a shaded area. Timely watering will provide a rich shade of greenery, and weeding will eliminate the weeds that draw nutrients from the soil.

Black Prince


The Black Prince lilies are distinguished by their truly original appearance. There are several similar varieties, but Landini has the darkest shade. The rest have maroon or black-brown tones. The black prince is good in combination with other lilies, while it is recommended to choose "neighbors" in bright shades so that the flower bed is not gloomy.

It is not recommended to grow flowers in acidic soil, as well as after bulbous ones. It is recommended to add 2 buckets of sand, compost or peat for every square meter of the flower garden. Planting depth is no more than 20 cm. Plants are placed at a distance of 35 cm from each other.

Stella de Oro


Yellow buds up to 6 cm in diameter and bright green lily leaves will not go unnoticed in the flower bed. Representatives of this dwarf variety grow up to 40 cm. Flowers exude a light aroma. With proper care, flowering lasts from late spring to autumn.

Fertile soil in a well-lit area will allow lilies to grow without much difficulty. A flowerbed in partial shade is also suitable. It is important to eliminate stagnant water in the ground by providing moderate watering. The variety should be planted before September, otherwise the greens will not have time to gain strength and prepare for winter.

Black Stockings


This variety is distinguished by a black-raspberry shade and bud size - up to 15 cm in diameter. Thanks to the unusual tone of the petals, the plant will become the main element of the flower bed. The height of the bush does not exceed 65 cm. It can withstand light frosts. Shelter is required during winters with little snow or temperatures down to -30 ° C.

When planting in open ground, it is worth observing a distance between plants of 50-60 cm. Regular watering, nutritious soil without moisture stagnation and weeding will ensure mass flowering.

Mike Longo


The repaired variety is characterized by yellow buds reaching 15 cm in diameter. The corrugated edges of the petals give the bushes a special charm. The stems grow up to 81 cm in length. Flowering begins in late spring.

Representatives of this variety do not need special care. During the rainy season, watering can be excluded, and in the heat the earth is moistened in a timely manner. In the neighborhood, you can arrange other lilies or make a monoclumba.

Snaggle Tut


The raspberry-lilac buds of representatives of this species grow up to 15 cm in diameter. The light aroma and corrugated edges of the petals make the Snaggle lilies here worthy of a royal flower bed. The plant, with proper care, reaches a height of 95 cm.

The flower is able to develop well both in partial shade and in a sunny area. If the groundwater is close to the soil surface, growth will be slow. Daylilies can stay in one place for a long time without replanting, so they need prepared soil. The soil is dug onto a shovel bayonet and all the roots of perennial weeds are removed. Clay soil is lightened before planting with humus, river sand, compost or fine gravel.



The hybrid perennial daylily has strong roots. In height, the stems stretch up to 76 cm. Burgundy buds are decorated with a yellow core, reaching a diameter of 12 cm. They bloom in early August.

Lilies growing in a well-lit area are distinguished by abundant flowering. For cultivation, clay soil with humus or a light version of the soil is suitable. Jordan is optimal for solitary plantings, looks great in combination with other perennials.

Xing Meng


Yellow-crimson buds grow up to 30 cm in diameter. The variety is characterized by narrow petals, bush height up to 106 cm and excellent winter hardiness (up to -40 ° C). Blooms from July to August.

Garden land is suitable for planting. Poor soil can be pre-fertilized with complex mineral additives. In the future, timely watering is important, after which the soil is loosened. Propagate by dividing the bushes.

All these varieties are easy to combine with each other, as well as with other plants. Monoclumba with colors of the original shade will also look spectacular.
