8 Signs That Show You're Smarter Than You Think
8 Signs That Show You're Smarter Than You Think

8 signs you're smarter than you used to think


It turns out that high intelligence can be diagnosed without resorting to special tests. Self-irony, clutter at home, and even love for cats all indicate that you are ated person.

You know how and love to joke

Humor can be different: from black and vulgar to subtle irony. Only an educated person can notice the difference and choose a joke that suits the situation.

A person who loves joking is often prone to self-irony and introspection, which, alas, is inaccessible to narrow-minded individuals.

You are an "owl"

Social experiments have proven that night owls are capable of high labor activity with minimal expenditure of body resources.

This quality allows night owls to solve problems outside the box. Talented personalities like Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk often emerge from "owls".

Rarely watch TV

Watching television channels indiscriminately loads the memory with a huge amount of information, sometimes completely useless in life.

In order to avoid cluttering their memory, intellectuals rarely watch TV, limiting themselves to selective serials and useful programs.

Don't miss being alone


For an intellectual, being alone is a reason to indulge in a favorite or useful business: watching a movie, reading a book, learning a foreign language, bringing a working project to its logical conclusion. No one will interfere with the perception and analysis of information.

Educated people often deliberately choose a lonely life with a focus on career and fulfillment.

Others' successes do not cause envy

Only those who care about other people's opinions, and not their own successes, will be annoyed by the achievements of other people. Therefore, a feeling of uncontrollable envy of the well-being of others is considered a sign of stupidity.

For an intellectual, someone else's success will arouse interest, due to the opportunity to draw competent conclusions and use them to achieve their own goal.

Love cats


Psychologists believe that the pet indicates the personal characteristics of the owner.

An introvert often goes into his own thoughts and inner world. A cat as a pet will not interfere with gaining knowledge.

Don't think you know everything

It is impossible to know absolutely everything. However, ignoramuses with higher education often boast of their own knowledge, which they consider complete.

Only a smart person is able to sense gaps in their own knowledge.

There is no perfect order in the house

Clutter is not always a sign of laziness and haphazardness.

It's just that creative individuals are used to seeing the surrounding picture as a whole, and not getting hung up on trifles.
