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2025 Author: Bailey Albertson | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:41
Turkish van - a cat that loves water

The Van cat is rightfully considered one of the oldest aboriginal breeds, and, possibly, the most ancient - older than the Egyptian cats. For thousands of years, the ancestors of the Turkish Vanir were actively tamed by man and helped him get rid of hordes of rodents. But as a domestic breed, they were determined quite recently - the officially recognized Van cat is a little over fifty years old.
1 History of the origin of the breed
- 1.1 Cats that live by the lake
1.2 Turkish Van is a triple standard breed
- 1 Photo gallery: ancestors of the Van cat in Western European painting
- 1.2.2 Video: History and Background of the Van Breed
2 Features of the cat Turkish van
2.1 External data
2.1.1 Photo gallery: colors of the Van cat
2.2 Character and behavior
2.2.1 Video: everything about the Van cat
- 2.3 Propensity to disease
3 How to choose a kitten
3.1 Video: playful kittens of the Van breed
4 How to take care of a Turkish van
- 4.1 Hygiene
- 4.2 Feeding
4.3 Toilet
4.3.1 Video: Turkish van - education and care
5 Breeding work
- 5.1 Breeding the breed
5.2 Sterilization issues
5.2.1 Video: how to care for a cat after spaying
- 6 Reviews of the owners about the breed
History of the origin of the breed
The progenitors of the Van breed have lived next to a person for more than one thousand years. The origin of the breed is shrouded in legends, the oldest of which dates back to the time of Noah. According to this beautiful version, among all the other animals, a couple of snow-white Van cats came to the famous ark, from which all the diverse cat tribe on Earth subsequently went.

Legend has it that such a cat became the progenitor of the entire cat tribe.
Cats that live by the lake
The real historical homeland of these beauties is the vicinity of the mysterious salt lake Van, located in the Armenian Highlands. Difficult climatic conditions have formed a very special aboriginal cat breed here, characterized by endurance and strong character.

On the shores of Lake Van, huge as the sea, wild cats have lived since ancient times
Since time immemorial, special cats have settled on this territory - their first images date back to the second millennium BC. People treated brave animals with great respect and willingly tamed them. Since ancient times, the ancestors of the Turkish Van have served their feline service with dignity - they caught rats and mice in villages located in the vicinity of the famous lake.
In the process of evolution, cute pussies have acquired a unique coat, which not only saves them from heat and cold, but literally allows them to get out of the water dry - the basis of their diet has always been fish caught in the lake, and therefore cats can swim perfectly and dive.

The Van cat made friends with the fox
Turkish van - triple standard breed
These wonderful cats were brought to Europe by the Crusaders, but then they assimilated, and did not stand out as a separate breed. But the unique “floating cats” were very popular in many Western European countries - they lived in aristocratic families, were very expensive, and also became a source of inspiration for writers, poets and artists. The first picturesque depiction of a Turkish Van is considered to be a painting by French artist Margaret Gerard "Lady with a Cat", presumably painted in the eighteenth century.
Photo gallery: ancestors of the Van cat in Western European painting
Painting by Margaret Gerard "Lady with a Cat" - The portrait "Lady with a Cat" by the French artist Margaret Gerard painted in the 18th century
Painting by Antoine Jean Baile "Girl with a White Cat" -
The painting by Antoine Jean Baile "Girl with a White Cat" perfectly conveys the stats and character of the Van cat
Painting by Alfred Stevens "Woman with a Fan" - "Woman with a Fan" by Alfred Stevens is depicted with her favorite - Turezim van
Painting by Emile Münier "Best Friends" - The portrait of a girl with a wang kitten belongs to the brush of Emile Münier and is called "Best Friends"
The Turkish Van breed received official recognition of the felinological community relatively recently - less than half a century ago. A couple of funny kittens were brought from a business trip to Turkey by the English journalist Laura Lushington, who became the first European breeder of the new breed.
Laura gave her first Van boy the name Van Atilla, and her girl Van Guzelli Iskenderun. This white beauty with a red tail and ears in 1969 was registered by English felinologists as the first representative of the new breed. Fascinated by the unusual appearance and behavior of her pets, four years later the woman acquired a couple of different-sex babies, and from them the European branch of the Turkish Van breed began to develop - by the way, at first she was called simply a Turkish cat.
In the early eighties of the last century, enthusiasts from Florida brought Van cats to the United States and engaged in painstaking breeding work. In 1994, the breed was also recognized by the most authoritative international felinological community - CFA.

Van Guzeli Iskenderun - the first registered Van cat
Felinological disputes about what the Turkish Van cats should be like do not subside to this day. In Europe, America and Turkey there are different opinions on this matter and … different standards - first of all, this concerns the color of the Van cat. Such disagreements by no means contribute to the popularization of the breed, which remains very rare and very expensive throughout the world.

A monument to the Turkish Vans is installed in their historical homeland - the Armenian Highlands
Video: history and prehistory of the Van breed
Features of the cat Turkish van
The Turkish van is sociable, curious and freedom-loving. He will not tolerate isolation from the outside world - he will yearn if he does not constantly receive new information for thought. If for some reason you cannot provide your pet with regular walking, then give him at least the opportunity to watch the events in the yard from the windowsill. But an open balcony can become dangerous for a Van cat - the animal is not afraid of heights and may well go on a run, which usually ends in tears for him.
External data
The Van cat has quite impressive dimensions, it is a real hero of the feline world. With a height at the withers up to forty centimeters, cats can weigh nine or even ten kilograms. Their pedigree friends are significantly smaller in size - the kitty usually weighs no more than six kilograms. The athletic build of the Turkish Van determines its strength and tremendous grace - the movements of this animal are precise, beautiful and perfect.

Turkish van - sheer perfection
Wool that is water-repellent in its properties - long or semi-long - is uniform and absolutely free of undercoat. The Van cat has two fur coats - winter and summer. In cold weather, Vans dress in a long fluffy coat with luxurious pants and a collar. And by the summer heat, having molted, they turn into almost short-haired cats.
The shape of the head is wedge-shaped, the ears are small, erect, the chin is strong and pronounced. The nose is small and pink in any color. Wang's eyes are especially beautiful - large, slightly slanted, they can be blue or amber by the standard. Quite often, odd-eyed individuals are found in this breed - this phenomenon is called heterochromia.
Most feline organizations in the world recognize only one van color so far - white with red markings. All other color options - tortie, tabby, blue, lilac, black, cream, etc. - in their opinion, are not native and were acquired by the Van cat already during the selection process. Such animals are currently not allowed to participate in major international exhibitions, but the authoritative organizations TICA and FIFa approach the issue in a more democratic way - they invite “non-standard” vans to their shows.
Photo gallery: colors of the Van cat
Van white - Snow-white Van cats - breed standard in Turkey
Van red and white - White with red bicolor - the most popular van color in Europe and America
Van tricolor - Van tricolor, like other breeds, is inherent only in cats
Van black and white - Black and white color is the rarest in the Turkish Van; not all felinologists recognize him

Turkish van - the cat marked by the sun
Character and behavior
The Van cat is not only beautiful, but also very smart, while she has a very independent character. Animals are active and talkative, but they do not allow anyone to be extra familiar with them - caressing, stroking and squeezing a Turkish van is possible only if he himself shows his highest favor. And ironing their soft silky fur is a great pleasure!

Vans are playful and outgoing, but have their own point of view
These cats are obedient and loyal to the owner, they are endowed with an amazing ability to scan the emotional state of the family in which they live, and, as it were, to align it, to tune in to positive. With their high intelligence and special sensitivity, the Vanir cannot stand the atmosphere of conflict and physically suffer from it. But the peacemaking of the Van cat ends where jealousy begins - she wants to be one and only, therefore she does not always get along with other pets.

Be prepared for the van to show his obstinate character

Shiro Neko the most sleepy van in the world
They constantly need "food for the mind" - a variety of toys, new acquaintances, walks. The life of a Van cat is truly full only if it is dynamic and eventful. The owners note the extraordinary gratitude of the Vanir and their ability to almost telepathic contact with a person. You can always negotiate with them in an amicable way, but these intelligent sensitive cats do not understand and do not forgive brute force and pressure.

The Van cat has always been and remains an excellent hunter
It is tedious to start raising a kitten from “young claws” - the sooner the better. This is very important, because nature has laid a strong, wayward and obstinate disposition in the Van cat. Socialization of a pet is the key to its comfortable living among people, harmonious entry into the way of your family.

Turkish van is usually found where water is nearby
The trainability of the Van cat is beyond praise - these animals lend themselves well to training, they easily master many commands. They are not only excellent hunters, but also excellent aporteurs. Regular training with the Turkish Van is an interesting pastime that will be very useful for your pet and will help to establish the best contact with him.
Video: all about the Van cat
Disease propensity
Representatives of this breed are famous for their good health - the average life expectancy of the Turkish Van is 13-14 years. But with good care, these cats can live much longer and remain in great physical shape even in old age.

This cat is fifteen years old, and she is still active and willingly climbs trees.
Aboriginal origin and centuries-old natural selection provided the breed with excellent genetics - the Turkish Van is not aware of hereditary diseases. In fact, obesity in the absence of proper physical activity can become the only problem for the Turkish Wang. The owners should be very attentive to this issue, because excess weight, as you know, can provoke a variety of very diverse and very unpleasant diseases.
How to choose a kitten
Before deciding to purchase a kitten of this unique breed, you should know: the coat of the Turkish Van is more allergenic than that of many other cats. Therefore, if any of your family members have a tendency to allergies, then it is better to refuse such a purchase. The Van cat is not suitable for families with small children - it will not tolerate pulling by the tail and excessive squeezing. The Turkish Van is a breed for adult self-sufficient people who, however, have enough time to communicate with such an unusual pet.
The main difficulty in buying a thoroughbred Van is that the breed remains among the rare and not the most popular. In Europe and America, there are very few pedigree nurseries engaged in breeding Van cats, and it is all the more problematic to bring a certified animal from Turkey - here, in the homeland of Van, there are strict restrictions on the export of pedigree animals.

To buy such a snow-white Van kitten in Turkey is a big problem
Do not believe the advertisements on the Internet offering "buy a Turkish van - inexpensive and with documents": this is almost certainly a commonplace deception. You will be offered a cute kid, in color really very similar to a real van, complete with fake papers for him.

This cute kitty only looks like a wang
In order not to get caught in the network of scammers and buy a truly thoroughbred animal, you should contact only reputable nurseries and buy a kitten only under an agreement with the breeder. Then you are guaranteed not to be deceived - they will not sell an outbred or, even worse, a sick animal. Yes, in this case, both the baby and its delivery will cost you quite a lot - but the Turkish van is definitely worth it.

Buying a kitten in the cattery is a guarantee of its quality and health
Video: playful kittens of the Van breed
How to care for a Turkish van
It is unlikely that among the long-haired cats there are breeds that are as unpretentious in care as the Turkish Van. But if you want to have a beautiful and healthy cat, you will have to pay attention to it regularly.
In nature, the soft fur coat of these cats never gets confused and tangled - precisely due to the fact that their fur is regularly "combed" in a natural way, during swimming. At home, the owner should do the combing - at least once a week. And during the molting period, it is better to do it daily. As for bathing, this procedure is not only obligatory, but also highly desirable - it gives the cat great pleasure.

The grooming of a Turkish van requires a minimum of cosmetics - except when preparing for an exhibition
It is not necessary to wash the Turkish van with shampoo every time, it is enough to do it once every two to three months or as the wool becomes dirty. But at every opportunity, give your pet the opportunity to swim: in the pool, in the sea, or at least just in the bath - this is good for the coat, muscular system and good mood.
The diet of a Turkish van should be rich in protein and carbohydrates. Properly organized, balanced nutrition will guarantee the health and longevity of your cat. A well-chosen ready-made food can be a simple and reliable solution - it should be low-calorie if the animal lives in a city apartment and does not receive increased physical activity.

Vans love to eat - a lot and tasty
An unambiguous taboo, like for all other cats, is feeding from the master's table. Delicious treats dear to the human stomach can become very dangerous for a wang. Prohibited foods include:
- any sweets, especially chocolate;
- fresh bakery;
- fatty, fried and smoked foods;
- legumes;
- citrus and other sweet fruits;
- spice.

Regular walking on a leash will keep your wang fit
Vans are clean and smart. Tray training is usually completely undertaken by their mother, and by the time they move to a new home, the babies no longer have any problems with this delicate issue. Ask the breeder what type of litter box and litter his cats are accustomed to - perhaps you should use the same options. But you should rather proceed from the convenience and preferences of your particular pet.
Cats usually choose the type of litter they like best. But you shouldn't even offer vanu wood filler for a test - it will certainly spread particles of shavings adhering to the paws and fluffy tail throughout the house.
Video: Turkish van - education and care
Tribal work
Like all large cats, the Turkish van matures slowly - the animal is fully formed only by the age of three, or even by the age of five. Therefore, one should not rush too much with mating, especially in cats: early motherhood can negatively affect the health and psyche of an immature animal.

Getting high-quality offspring is the main task of breeding
Breeding the breed
The gene pool of the Turkish Vanir in Europe is extremely small, and the choice of a partner can often be limited by closely related ties. Therefore, in order to obtain high-quality offspring, the most important issue is the question of the correct selection of a breeding pair - however, as always in breeding. A novice breeder is often unable to solve this problem on his own. Rely on the experience and knowledge of your breeder, who cares about the prospects of the breed and will be able to advise you on the best options.
As much as possible, trace the heredity on both parental lines - find out if there were any serious defects and genetic diseases in them:
- deafness in white cats;
- curvature of the jaw;
- kinks and kinks of the tail;
- marriage in color.
Producers must reach reproductive age (at least two years old), be absolutely healthy and prepared for mating: have timely vaccinations and antiparasitic treatment.

Breeding success begins with the correct selection of the parent pair
The physiology of a cat allows it to become pregnant and give birth three or even four times a year. But in practice, this cannot be allowed - the cat should be able to fully recover between births, and this takes time. The optimal frequency of effective mating is three times in two years.
Sterilization issues
If the Turkish van will not be used for breeding, then it is better to sterilize such an animal - both a cat and a cat. Removing the genitals will help solve several serious problems at once:
- normalize hormones;
- reduce the level of aggression and excessive activity;
- to avoid possible oncological diseases and diseases of the genital area.

The cat must undergo a medical examination before spaying.
But it should be remembered that sterilization is by no means a harmless manipulation, but an operation (for a cat - cavity), which takes place under general anesthesia. Therefore, it is extremely important that the sterilization of the animal is carried out by experienced specialists and not at home, but in a veterinary clinic. Veterinarians will take control and rehabilitation of the van after surgery, which is no less important than a successful operation.
Video: how to care for a cat after sterilization
Reviews of the owners about the breed
Today the Turkish Van is one of the most prestigious and expensive cat breeds in the world. There are certain problems with its popularization, but enthusiastic breeders do not seek to force this issue until a sufficient and diverse gene pool of the breed is formed, which allows it to be widely developed and engaged in selection.
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