Why You Can't Take Pictures In The Cemetery
Why You Can't Take Pictures In The Cemetery

Why you can't take pictures in the cemetery


There are many signs and superstitions associated with the cemetery and burial. One of them says that you cannot take photos there. Moreover, it is forbidden to shoot both the graves, and the mourners, and the general landscape. Is there a rational explanation for this sign? Let's try to figure it out.

Superstitions about photographing in a cemetery

Superstition, as usual, predicts punishment from supernatural forces. You can find different versions of this sign. According to one of the most common, the person who was photographed in the cemetery will die in the near future. The photo allegedly produces a fusion of the energetics of death and the person in the photo.

Another version is that the dead will come to the house of the person who filmed their graves, because they will be disturbed and angry by the click of the lens shutter. You may also have heard this version of superstition - a photograph of the attributes of death (gravestones, graves, grieving relatives) erases the memory of a living person. It turns out that the deceased did not seem to live at all. Often black sorcerers are also involved in this - they allegedly use grave pictures to induce damage and their other evil deeds.

Black magician
Black magician

Evil necromancers are waiting for the opportunity to steal a grave photo from someone

Rational reasons

In fact, there are several very rational reasons why you shouldn't take your camera to the cemetery. The first and foremost is ethical. Grieving people are unlikely to yearn to be photographed in this state, and therefore will not be delighted to see a photographer at a funeral or memorial service.

Another reason is given by psychologists. A photograph of the grave of a loved one can provoke a loss of mental balance even many years after his death. If such a photo accidentally catches your eye, it will not only spoil your mood, but can also become one of the reasons for the development of depression.

However, all these reasons relate to filming the graves of loved ones, friends, relatives. Shooting a panorama or a beautiful landscape at the cemetery is not prohibited. But try not to get into the frame of the funeral procession. The presence of such a photojournalist does not at all correspond to the solemn and gloomy spirit of the funeral - do not spoil someone else's goodbye.

You can take pictures in the cemetery, but it is better not to photograph grieving people or the graves of loved ones. But if you see a beautiful deserted landscape, you can easily take a picture without fear that at night the disturbed dead will come to your soul.
