Unpretentious Annual Flowers For A Summer Residence: Names And Photos, Including Blooming All Summer
Unpretentious Annual Flowers For A Summer Residence: Names And Photos, Including Blooming All Summer

The most beautiful and unpretentious annual flowers: ideal for beginner florists

sweet pea
sweet pea

There are many beautiful and unpretentious species among annual flowers. They are easy to grow in the garden or on the balcony, even for a beginner.

The most unpretentious annual flowers for beginners

The plants listed below have many benefits:

  • bright color of flowers,
  • abundant and long flowering,
  • undemanding care,
  • large seeds convenient for sowing.

They can be sown in a summer cottage flower garden immediately to a permanent place without the hassle of growing seedlings. They also grow well in balcony boxes with ordinary garden soil.


Kosmeya is a cold-resistant plant up to 1.5 m high with thin openwork foliage and large flowers of white, pink, crimson, burgundy tones. Bloom lasts from July to autumn. Kosmeya is light-requiring, grows well on poor sandy soils, often gives abundant self-seeding. Sowing seeds in open ground is possible already at the end of April, immediately after the snow melts. Cosmos seedlings are not afraid of frost.


Kosmeya is a cold-resistant plant with large bright flowers

Calendula (marigold)

Calendula is a cold-resistant plant 30-50 centimeters high with oval light green leaves and yellow or orange flowers, which can be simple or double. It grows well on any soil in good light, is not afraid of frost, and can multiply by self-seeding. Flowering lasts from July to late autumn. Seeds can be sown outdoors at the end of April.


Calendula varieties with double flowers are now in vogue.

Marigolds (tagetes)

Marigolds have carved openwork foliage and bright flowers of yellow, orange or brownish shades. The most popular are terry and semi-double varieties. Plant height, depending on the variety, varies from 20 to 80 centimeters. The whole plant has a very pleasant spicy aroma. Marigolds bloom almost all summer, from mid-June to the onset of frost. They can grow and bloom in partial shade, but in good light they will bloom more lush. Sowing seeds from mid-May directly into open ground.


Marigolds are a healthy plant with a pleasant aroma


Balsam has a strong erect stem up to 60–70 centimeters high, oblong light green leaves and numerous flowers of white, pink-red and lilac-lilac shades, located along the entire length of the stem. Flowering begins in July and lasts until the onset of autumn frosts. Balsam is very moisture-loving and requires daily watering in a sunny place, so it is often planted in partial shade, although flowering is weaker. You can sow seeds in open ground at the end of May.


Balsam is a moisture-loving plant with bright flowers


Nasturtium varieties are divided into two groups:

  • compact bush, not exceeding 20-30 centimeters in height;
  • curly with stems up to 2 meters long, which definitely need support.

Flowers in nasturtium come in different shades of yellow-orange and reddish-brown. Flowering lasts from July until the beginning of frost, it is abundant only in well-lit places. In shade, nasturtium forms many original rounded leaves and only single flowers. You can sow seeds in open ground at the end of May.


Nasturtium has bright flowers and original rounded leaves

Morning glory

Ipomoea is a thermophilic climbing plant, reaching 2-3 meters in height. Funnel-shaped flowers, depending on the variety, are purple, blue, pink, white. Ipomoea needs good lighting and regular abundant watering, with a lack of moisture in the heat, its wide leaves quickly fade. Flowering begins at the end of June and continues until the first frost kills the plant. Seeds can be sown outdoors from mid-May.

In my garden near Kazan, morning glory gives abundant self-seeding almost every year. When there is a threat of freezing, I cover the emerging seedlings with agrofibre, completely removing the shelter in early June.

Morning glory
Morning glory

Morning glory is a climbing plant with beautiful leaves and bright flowers

Fire Beans (Turkish Beans)

Fire beans are a heat-loving climbing plant up to 3-4 meters high. The flowers are bright red, less often white, there are varieties with a mixed red and white color. Good sunlight is needed for abundant flowering. Timely cutting of faded inflorescences stimulates the formation of new buds. Flowering lasts from July until the first frost. Seeds can be sown outdoors from mid-May.

Scarlet runner
Scarlet runner

Fire beans have bright flowers and edible fruits

Sweet pea

Sweet pea is a cold-resistant climbing plant up to 1–1.5 m in height. The flowers are white, pink, blue, purple, very fragrant. With the regular removal of faded flowers, flowering continues from July to autumn. This plant prefers sunny places and relatively cool weather, in heat and drought it quickly fades and loses its decorative effect. Sowing seeds in open ground in early May.

Sweet pea
Sweet pea

Sweet pea is a cold-resistant climbing plant with fragrant flowers

Annual flowers are beautiful, unpretentious, bloom for a long time and brightly, and even beginner growers can easily grow them.