What A Bouquet Of 5 Red Roses Symbolizes
What A Bouquet Of 5 Red Roses Symbolizes

What the man wanted to say when he gave 5 red roses


The rose is considered the queen of flowers, a symbol of grandeur and luxury. If you were presented with a bouquet of five red roses, and you are puzzling how to understand this gesture, our article will help you find the answer.

What the choice of colors will tell you

According to the language of flowers, each plant symbolizes some feeling or state of a person giving a bouquet:

  • orchids mean love, tenderness, sophistication, intimacy: they are given only to loved ones;
  • tulips - happiness, attractiveness;
  • roses - love, tenderness, trust, greatness;
  • sunflowers - sun, pride, material well-being;
  • irises - wisdom, reliability, respect for friendship;
  • chamomile - innocence, distrust, romance, youth, family;
  • daffodils - a wish for eternal beauty;
  • gerberas - smile, flirtation, optimism, sympathy;
  • hyacinths - play, curiosity, vivid emotions;
  • mimosas - sensitivity, shyness, shyness;
  • chrysanthemums - joy, openness, fun, relaxation;
  • calla lilies - originality, respect, happy marriage.

Red roses stand out on this list and mean passion, they are preferred by ardent lovers to confess their feelings to the lady of the heart.

What does color mean

The color of the bouquet brings its own nuance to the encrypted message:

  • white color denotes the freshness of innocence, the purity of truth;
  • yellow - not only separation, but also sunlight, generosity, serenity, glee;
  • red - passion, love, anger, revenge, life, freedom.

Number of flowers in a bouquet

An even number of flowers in a bouquet traditionally symbolizes sadness in Russia. Such bouquets are appropriate at funeral events and as a token of memory of tragic events.

An odd number has the following meanings:

  • 1 flower means respect, a sign of attention;
  • 3 - invitation to a date;
  • 5 - confession of something (love) or something (merit);
  • 7 - engagement, announcement of intent;
  • 9 - a sign of reverence and innocence of feelings;
  • 11 - friendly participation;
  • 13 - contempt, an expression of disrespect;
  • 15 is a gift from the bottom of my heart.

Now you can decipher the message of the man who presented a bouquet of 5 red roses. In such a romantic way, he confesses his passionate love.
