When To Discard Strawberry Bushes
When To Discard Strawberry Bushes

How to tell if it's time to throw out strawberry bushes


When the strawberry garden ceases to delight with a generous harvest of tasty and aromatic berries, you should think about whether it is time to get rid of the ballast on the site. There are signs that tell you it's time to rejuvenate your plantation.

The harvest has decreased

If the number and size of the berries have clearly decreased, you need to remember when the strawberries were planted. This culture cannot be kept in the same place for more than 5 years.

With each season, the harvest decreases, and the berries themselves become smaller. Don't wait until Victoria refuses to bear fruit. It is better to replace the bushes with new ones in time. It is advisable to put them in a different place. If this is not possible, the site must be dug up, disinfected and fertilized.

The bush does not develop

If the garden bed does not produce berries for two seasons in a row, and you are sure of the quality and health of the bushes, you should pay attention to the conditions in which strawberries grow. This whimsical culture will not bear fruit in the lowlands. Only dry and small fruits can grow in the wrong place.

Strawberries do not develop in the shade of shrubs and trees, on the north side of the site. If you want to taste large, beautiful and juicy berries, allocate the sunniest place with fertile soil for the garden.

Crop rotation is of great importance. If the predecessor plant was a nightshade crop (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants), no amount of fertilizer can even make the strawberries bloom. But peas and beans saturate the earth with nitrogen. They will be effective strawberry green manures.

Berries dry up and rot


If the fruits of garden strawberries, before ripening, rot or dry out, the leaves turn yellow and become stained, then the bush is sick. The reason may be: infection from neighboring plants, too rainy weather, improper feeding or planting errors. The bushes may be too close to one another.

It is unacceptable to use diseased plants even as compost. They must be burned, and the bed must be disinfected. Strawberries on this site can be planted no earlier than after 4-5 years.
