How An Orchid Will Help Its Owner
How An Orchid Will Help Its Owner

Why superstitious women over 45 should put an orchid in front of the mirror


Several centuries ago, the opinion took root that the orchid is of divine origin. There are many legends and beliefs associated with it. It is still believed that the flower is able to heal emotional wounds and give its mistresses a meeting with true love.

Flower magic and warnings

The orchid has the magical ability to harmonize energy flows, filling the space with vitality. It stabilizes the mood, charges with positive and thirst for life.

If, with conscientious care, the plant begins to wither, then in the immediate environment there are hypocritical or insidious people who have planned something bad. It can also serve as a sign that a serious conflict is brewing in the house.

Superstitious people regard the exotic flower as an energy vampire that absorbs the life force of its owners, making them apathetic and limp. However, it is not. The plant really absorbs energy, but only negative energy, clearing the space. That is why, in esotericism, the orchid has a reputation as a healer.

According to popular beliefs, a flower in the bathroom will help clear thoughts, in the office - to improve reputation, in the living room - to reduce the level of misunderstanding and conflicts with the family.

Why put a flower next to a mirror

This flower symbolizes romance, sensuality and vitality. According to legend, the exotic beauty emerged from a shoe that the goddess Venus lost. In love magic, she serves as a protective talisman, capable of protecting her mistress from troubles and pessimism, endowing her with attractiveness for the opposite sex, and strengthening romantic relationships.

For women who want to reveal sensuality and enhance natural magnetism, signs are advised to install a flower next to a mirror.

How the orchid affects men


Folk signs classify the orchid as a muzhegon plant. But this is not entirely true. Orchid is a truly feminine flower. She enhances feminine attractiveness and beauty, gives her mistress grace and grace.

Do not place this plant in rooms where men, married couples, boys live. It is better to put the flower where the male representatives are infrequent.

What different colored orchids are capable of

According to popular belief, the shade of orchid buds determines the nature of its impact on humans. So, flowers of warm shades endow the owner with activity and vitality: red helps to get rid of fatigue, laziness and apathy, yellow gives courage and the desire for creative experiments and bold ideas, and orange activates financial thinking, helping to restore productivity and gain strength for new projects. Burgundy is good for people who suffer from self-doubt, it strengthens self-esteem and healthy egoism.

Pink strengthens relationships between family members and different generations, making them more trusting. Beige deepens the affection of the married couple, encourages mutual concern. Blue gives a better understanding of your surroundings, develops intuition, allowing you to discover hidden motives.
