Ondulin As A Roofing Material: Description, Dimensions, Pros And Cons, Reviews And Photos
Ondulin As A Roofing Material: Description, Dimensions, Pros And Cons, Reviews And Photos

Ondulin roofing: operation, advantages and disadvantages

Ondulin roof
Ondulin roof

A roof for a house is like a hat for a fashionista. And it depends only on the owners whether the house will show off in an exclusive felt hat or stand bent over in a shabby earflaps. The roof adds completeness, security and uniqueness to the building. The old-fashioned slate is being replaced by modern roofing materials: corrugated board, metal, ondulin. It would never occur to anyone to cover the roof with thatch or roofing felt. Each modern coating has its own price level and has both advantages and disadvantages in equal measure. Ondulin roofing is reliable and durable, presentable, easy to install and operate.


  • 1 Ondulin - a combination of quality and economy
  • 2 Advantages and disadvantages of the material

    2.1 Video: advantages and disadvantages of ondulin

  • 3 Dimensions, installation, price and other interesting little things

    • 3.1 Dimensions of the sheet of roofing ondulin
    • 3.2 Service life
    • 3.3 Ease of installation

      3.3.1 Video: errors when laying ondulin

    • 3.4 Cost of ondulin

      3.4.1 Table: price per sheet of ondulin

    • 3.5 Operation of the roof from ondulin
    • 3.6 Interesting little things
  • 4 How to choose ondulin for the roof

    4.1 Video: installation of an ondulin roof

  • 5 Feedback on use

Ondulin - a combination of quality and economy

Ondulin (euro slate) refers to modern roofing materials and has been used relatively recently in the post-Soviet space. The first French manufacturers began to produce it back in 1944. The material, due to its technical characteristics, quickly began to gain momentum in popularity. The production workshops began to expand across Europe, America and Asia.

Ondulin production
Ondulin production

French companies were the first to make ondulin, now its production is constantly increasing in accordance with demand

In terms of shape, there are two main types: slate and tiled. Slate sheets are used on simple types of large roofs. Tiles are more convenient to lay on complex multi-level roofs, where small bends and cutouts cannot be avoided. The use of ondulin allows you to avoid a large consumption of material on such roofs. A big plus is the absence of asbestos in its production. The material itself is environmentally friendly, moisture-proof, resistant to mechanical and chemical influences.

Ondulin contains cellulose fibers with mineral components, resins and bitumen. After bitumen multi-stage impregnation, a dye is added, as a result of which 4 coating colors are obtained: black, red, brown and green.

Ondulin colors
Ondulin colors

A variety of basic colors and additional shades will allow you to make the roof in the desired colors

Organic fibers in the base provide a unique texture to the roof surface that retains a presentable appearance and rich color for a long time. When heated from sunlight, waves of ondulin (cellulose fibers) are additionally soldered together, increasing moisture resistance.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

To choose the right roof covering, you need to clearly understand the pros and cons of this material. Only after studying the advantages and disadvantages, you can clearly determine for yourself what is the best way to hide your house, cottage or gazebo.

The advantages of ondulin include:

  • resistance to atmospheric precipitation;
  • good noise insulation;
  • environmental friendliness of the material;
  • resistance to mold, fungi and aggressive ultraviolet light;
  • light weight and ease of transportation;
  • variety of colors.

A serious argument in favor of choosing ondulin is that the roof can be replaced with a new one without removing the old coating. A crate is attached on top of it, on which new sheets are laid. This creates the effect of additional moisture protection and insulation of the building's roof.

Lathing for ondulin
Lathing for ondulin

New sheets can be fastened over the old slate to the crate assembled on it

If earlier ondulin was considered an elite and refined roofing sheet, now progress and new technologies have advanced so much that the industry has been enriched with more modern and improved materials. Despite the fact that a bituminous slate roof has many advantages, there are also significant disadvantages:

  • due to the presence of a bituminous component, ondulin belongs to a high fire hazard class;
  • in very hot weather, an unpleasant smell of bitumen is felt;
  • temperature drops adversely affect the properties of the material;
  • the color of the roof is gradually exposed to fading and fading from sunlight.

Video: advantages and disadvantages of ondulin

Dimensions, installation, price and other interesting little things

In the construction market, the range of roofing materials is unusually diverse. If desired, you can cover the roof with galvanized iron and ordinary slate. However, modern ondulin will make the roof almost weightless, beautiful and reliable. It is easy to bend and cut, and the drum roll of the rain will not wake up the owners on an autumn night.

Dimensions of the sheet of roofing ondulin

Ondulin is produced in sheets of a standard size with a small error depending on the country of origin:

  • sheet length - 2000 mm;
  • width - 950 mm;
  • weight - from 5.6 to 8.6 kg;
  • slate wave height - 32–36 mm;
  • thickness - 2.4–3.5 mm.

Thus, a standard sheet of ondulin has 10 waves with a width of 9.5 cm. But no matter how carefully you calculate the coverage area, there is always a chance that some points will remain unaccounted for. The roofing system includes elements of fastenings, valleys, ridge area, etc. These components are also taken into account when calculating before purchasing roofing materials.

Dimensions of the sheet of ondulin
Dimensions of the sheet of ondulin

The standard dimensions of the sheet of ondulin are the same for all manufacturers with an accuracy of a small error during manufacture

Life time

The manufacturer claims a 15-year warranty for ondulin. The actual period of operation of modern roofing materials is up to 40 years. Such a long service life, as well as the corresponding performance characteristics, makes Ondulin one of the market leaders in the construction industry in the field of roofing materials.

The advantage of ondulin is that in our territory it is produced by the only company Onduline SA, and this, in turn, guarantees compliance with uniform technological requirements and the quality of the product, regardless of where it was purchased.

Ease of installation

Installation of ondulin is quite simple and straightforward. Using the manual, you can even cover the roof yourself. The technology for placing sheets is similar to the technique for laying conventional slate. The dimensions and weight make it easy to attach ondulin to the roof sheathing. The sheets are fixed with specially designed nails or self-tapping screws with a head and a gasket in the color of the main coating. Ondulin sheets are 3 times lighter than ordinary slate. They are easily cut with a wood saw, jigsaw or circular saw.

Nails for ondulin
Nails for ondulin

According to the technology recommended by the manufacturer, one sheet of euro slate should be fastened with twenty nails.

High-rise work requires special attention and special care. All work on the roof must be carried out with a reliable partner.

It should be borne in mind that deviation from the manufacturer's instructions and installation errors also lead to situations as a result of which the use of euro slate does not bring the desired satisfaction, and the material is put on the "black list". In any case, the choice is yours.

Video: mistakes when laying ondulin

Ondulin cost

Prices for a sheet of euro slate fluctuate depending on the sellers' margins and even on the color. When asking the price, immediately throw in transportation costs and the cost of related items. The price per sheet of ondulin ranges from 400 to 490 rubles.

Table: price per sheet of ondulin

Products Size, m Colour Price, rub


wavy sheet


Full sheet size

1.95 * 0.95 (1.85 m 2)

Usable size

1.83 * 0.85

(1.56 m 2)

red, brown 435
shale 400
green 455
blue 490

The table shows approximate prices depending on the color of the euro slate. When buying products, pay attention to the color scheme, whether it matches the style of your home and whether it is in harmony with the color of the building facade.

Operation of the roof from ondulin

Given the service life of ondulin, its price, environmental friendliness and ease of installation, we can say that the material is worthy of attention and respect from individual developers. Several factors can reduce the service life of the euro slate:

  • non-observance of the pitch of the sheathing beams or its section;
  • use of third-party elements (skates, tongs, valleys, etc.);
  • saving on hardware for fastening;
  • squeezing or stretching the corrugation of the sheet during installation.

Untimely and poor-quality roof maintenance, winter repairs, improper placement of sheets on the roof significantly reduce the service life of the ondulin roof.

Mounting scheme for sheets of ondulin
Mounting scheme for sheets of ondulin

It is necessary to start mounting ondulin sheets from the lower corner of the leeward side of the roof

Interesting little things

Do you know that:

  1. Ondulin is not a material, but a trade mark. There are several brands in the world that specialize in the production of corrugated bitumen sheet. There are manufacturers in Belgium, Germany, Turkey, but in our country the name “Ondulin” was the first to become known to a wide range of consumers and became a household name as, for example, “Xerox”.
  2. The greater the angle of inclination of the roof, the more self-tapping screws will be required to fasten the sheet to the crate.
  3. If you are covering an attic roof, use a waterproofing sheeting. This measure will protect against leaks and unscheduled repairs to decorative interior decoration.
  4. When cutting a sheet with a hand hacksaw, it is necessary to lubricate the latter with machine oil.
  5. To increase the strength of the roof, sheets of bituminous slate are laid out in a checkerboard pattern. Each subsequent row begins with a sheet cut in half.

    Installation of sheets of ondulin
    Installation of sheets of ondulin

    The rows of ondulin are laid with bandaging - the next row is displaced by half the width of the sheet relative to the previous

How to choose ondulin for the roof

Choosing a roof for their own home, the owners are faced with the problem of choice: what material should be paid attention to. And although composite and ceramic tiles meet the maximum service life, ondulin is characterized by a more affordable price range, environmental friendliness, ease of installation and a varied color spectrum.

When choosing a roofing ondulin, decide on some points:

  • what type of ondulin is easier for you to use during installation: slate or tile;
  • what color of the coating will best match the color of the wall decoration;
  • on what type of roof it should be laid.

By giving preference to ondulin, you can cover the roof in a suitable color scheme. You don't have to worry about wave height and sheet thickness, as domestic manufacturers make it standard.

At the same time, you will be sure that the roof will stand for a long time and will not need restoration for a long time, and the invested capital will pay off one hundred percent. Roofs look great using sheets in two colors (mosaic effect).

"Mosaic" from Euro-slate
"Mosaic" from Euro-slate

For a mosaic effect, use sheets of ondulin of different colors.

Video: installation of an ondulin roof

Usage Reviews

Despite some drawbacks, ondulin has proven itself well in the building materials market. Affordable price and ease of installation put the material on a par with the most popular roofing coatings. Having examined the pros and cons, you can answer your question about the advisability of building a roof from ondulin. By the way, do not forget to decorate it with a weather vane - this will give the mansion a certain charm.
