Attic Finishing Options, Including Clapboard And Drywall
Attic Finishing Options, Including Clapboard And Drywall

Attic decoration: making candy out of the attic

Attic interior
Attic interior

A modern attic is not a banal box sheathed with yellowish clapboard, but a stylish and cozy space for living. The owners of private houses no longer try to make a semblance of an ordinary room in the attic, but boldly open the slopes and highlight the floor beams. But how to decorate the slopes so that they turn from the main drawback of the room into a highlight?


  • 1 Exterior decoration of the attic

    • 1.1 Photo gallery: houses with attics in the color of the facade
    • 1.2 Video: finishing the facade and pediment with a "grated fur coat"
    • 1.3 How to sheathe the attic outside

      1.3.1 Video: clapboard gable trim

  • 2 Interior decoration of the attic

    • 2.1 Using lining for interior decoration

      • 2.1.1 Video: how to choose the right lining
      • 2.1.2 Mounting the lining on the walls of the attic
      • 2.1.3 Video: errors during the installation of the lining
    • 2.2 Decoration of the attic floor with plasterboard

      • 2.2.1 Instructions for finishing the attic with plasterboard
      • 2.2.2 Video: installation of drywall on the ceiling of the attic
    • 2.3 Chipboard in the design of the attic
    • 2.4 Finishing the attic with HPL panels
    • 2.5 Use of composite materials
    • 2.6 Attic in the "cheap and cheerful" style

      • 2.6.1 Cuttings - not into the firebox
      • 2.6.2 Plywood
      • 2.6.3 OSB boards
      • 2.6.4 Plastic lining
      • 2.6.5 Chintz according to grandma's recipe

Exterior decoration of the attic

Outside, the attic most often looks like an integral part of the house, so the appearance of the pediment matches the design of the facade walls. The attic pediment is trimmed:

  • facade decorative plaster;
  • siding;
  • decorative bricks;
  • clinker tiles.

These options are suitable for cases where the pediment is built from the same material as the walls of the house.

Photo gallery: houses with attics in the color of the facade

Log house with attic
Log house with attic

False timber made of wood has such qualities as environmental friendliness, durability, low cost and ease of installation

Attic cottage with clinker tiles
Attic cottage with clinker tiles
The high frost resistance of clinker tiles makes this building material indispensable in the harsh climatic conditions of Russia
Plaster on the walls of a small house with an attic
Plaster on the walls of a small house with an attic
Walls finished with decorative plaster have increased sound insulation and resistance to dust and dirt
Plastered house with balcony and attic
Plastered house with balcony and attic
Before applying decorative plaster to the walls, they must be additionally cleaned and processed, in addition, high-quality plaster is quite expensive
Brick house with an attic
Brick house with an attic

A brick attic, like the house itself, requires major insulation

House with an attic covered with siding
House with an attic covered with siding
According to experts, siding is considered one of the most durable finishing methods in the budget price segment.

Video: finishing the facade and pediment with a "grated fur coat"

How to sheathe the attic outside

Sometimes the pediment is trimmed with contrasting material in order to visually split the house horizontally and emphasize the height of the lower floors. Among the materials used:

  • corrugated board of a contrasting or harmonious color (a popular option among those who at first did not plan to insulate the attic);
  • false beam or other wood (looks best on wooden houses and when imitating an alpine house).
Alpine house with contrasting trim
Alpine house with contrasting trim

Contrasting finishing involves the use of different materials for the floors of the house, for example, below - stone, above - wood

Such solutions are used when converting a house when the pediment is being built at the same time as the roof.

Video: clapboard gable sheathing

Interior decoration of the attic

Since the truss system of the houses is made of wood, the attic finishing materials have to be attached to this unreliable base. Even well-dried wood absorbs moisture from the air and tends to slightly change its geometry. Therefore, if such walls are simply sheathed with drywall and putty, the putty will inevitably crack over time. When decorating the attic, it is required to level this design flaw. This is done in two ways: using wood or fabric in the decoration, or creating an inner "box" of durable materials, connected to the rafters with movable clamps.

Wooden attic
Wooden attic

Large windows and bright lights give the totally wooden attic a modern touch

Two-level attic
Two-level attic

The attic wall decoration can imitate natural stone, such a solution will look quite stylish

Today, the walls of the attic can be finished with any materials you want, but some of them will require more money and sophisticated technology. For the floor in the attic, wood is most often used (from cheap boards to inlaid parquet) or laminate. The ceiling usually visually merges with the wall, so materials that are similar in texture and color are selected for their design.

Using lining for interior decoration

Wooden lining is exactly the material that, in terms of its characteristics, ideally matches the properties of the rafter system, so it does not crack and does not weaken the fastenings due to seasonal changes in temperature or humidity. In addition, no one doubts the safety and environmental friendliness of this traditional solution. Many even believe that it is the lining that gives the country house coziness and rustic charm. If you, too, do not intend to deviate from proven solutions, then you can mount the lining in the attic yourself.

Lining varieties
Lining varieties

The grade of the lining depends on the presence of knots, cracks, rot, etc. on the surface of the wood, the more rejects, the lower the grade

In addition to the type of lining, it is important not to be mistaken with the material. There are panels of the following species on the market:

  • larch is an elite material with a high price and great decorative properties, it is not afraid of pests, rot, fungi, moisture;
  • Scandinavian pine is a beautiful wood of a pinkish shade and practically without knots, it is softer than larch and cheaper than it;
  • Siberian cedar is a material with an unusual texture and healing effect (it releases healing substances);
  • oak - durable dense and heavy wood of a peculiar dark shade, it costs a lot, but it also serves for more than 50 years;
  • linden - soft, light and very light, well suited for lightweight structures, self-assembly, decorating panels with do-it-yourself carvings;
  • domestic pine is a budget option, but the high grades of this wood are quite durable and beautiful.
Lining of different types of wood
Lining of different types of wood

Wooden lining is a versatile material that is suitable for both interior and exterior finishing work.

The better the room is thermally and waterproofed, the less stable wood you can use

Video: how to choose the right lining

Installation of lining on the walls of the attic

Please note: before starting work, the lining must lie in the attic for 4-7 days so that its humidity and temperature are balanced with the characteristics of the room. If you do not allow the material to "get used" to the room, it will quickly deform.

If you plan to impregnate wood with fire-fighting and antifungal additives, this should be done before installation in order to be able to thoroughly process the panels from all sides. Try to use formulations that are as safe as possible for humans. It is not worth saving at this point, it is better to take more budgetary wood and cheap varnish than to risk the health of future attic residents.

After preparing the material, choose the best mounting method for you. You can fix the lining:

  • self-tapping screws for wood in the lining groove (the wood is deformed from below, but the fastening is simple, inexpensive and reliable);

    Self-tapping lining installation
    Self-tapping lining installation

    Please note: the self-tapping screw must deepen at an angle

  • cleats and self-tapping screws - special metal brackets-adapters (the bar does not suffer, it can be reused, but additional costs are needed for cleats);

    Installation of lining with clays
    Installation of lining with clays

    Cleamers provide a little freedom to the wood, which prevents the dies from cracking

  • staples of a construction gun into a groove (suitable only for soft light wood, you will need to fill a lot of staples);

    Installation of lining with a construction gun
    Installation of lining with a construction gun

    The main advantage of using a pistol is the absence of the need to apply great physical force, the fastening with staples is always very strong, reliable, durable, but at the same time the staples can always be removed, and the material will not be irreversibly damaged

  • nails with decorative hats (used in men's stylized interiors when it is necessary to emphasize the brutality of the finish).

    Varieties of decorative nails
    Varieties of decorative nails

    It is easy to hide the head of an ordinary self-tapping screw behind large heads of decorative nails.

The first three methods create a completely invisible mount.

The instructions for decorating the attic with clapboard are simple: you need to fix the slats to the wooden crate on the walls and slopes. If you want to mount the lining in a different direction, the lathing is first attached to them (perpendicular to the lining), and then the slats themselves. Wall cladding with a block house (imitation of a bar) is completely similar, except that it is more difficult to attach them alone due to the large thickness and weight of each panel.

Wall cladding scheme
Wall cladding scheme

Please note: you cannot do without self-tapping screws when installing the lining

Embossed decorative lining
Embossed decorative lining

The lining with decorative embossing, diluted with regular smooth, looks very harmonious and non-standard

In order for the walls of the lining to look harmonious, the floor will need to be finished with either a grooved board or a laminate similar to the lining in color or pattern (an exact match is not needed, but something must unite them). The choice depends on the financial capabilities and the state of the overlap. If it is finished with chipboard, gypsum fiber board or other board material, you can safely glue laminate or even vinyl tiles. If the overlap was made out with a rough board, it is better to finish it with boards too. But if you wish, you can lay a slab material over the subfloor and attach laminate, carpet, tiles (vinyl or ceramic in wet and hot zones) to it.

The combination of painted lining and boards
The combination of painted lining and boards

Painted floorboards look very appropriate in the attic

Video: errors in the installation of lining

Decoration of the attic floor with plasterboard

Plasterboard is most often used when the owners seek to move away from traditional lining and timber towards a more urban interior with smooth walls. The environmental friendliness of drywall also plays an important role. Since it is pressed from gypsum without glue and finished with paper, the material is not capable of harming human health and releasing any hazardous substances. In addition, the technology of installing drywall is familiar to most people who have done repairs with their own hands, which makes it possible to save on the work of craftsmen.

Attic with plasterboard finish
Attic with plasterboard finish

Drywall will create an excellent base for smooth background walls and help visually raise the ramp

The disadvantage of drywall in the attic is its low elasticity - when the tree "plays", the gypsum board is not able to follow it. Therefore, methods such as gluing the sheet to the base or fastening with screws to the wall while adjusting the position under the roof are not applicable. You need a solid steel lathing that will be attached to the tree with metal hangers that can compensate for the movement of the rafters.

Corrugated cable ducts
Corrugated cable ducts

If it was not possible to choose the correct size of the corrugation, you can take a cable duct with a rectangular cross section

Instructions for finishing the attic with plasterboard

Finish the attic with plasterboard as follows:

  1. Assemble the frame for drywall using guides (PN) and rack (PS) profiles with a wall thickness of 0.7 mm (it is better not to use thinner galvanized steel, it may not withstand the load). At the same time, it is possible to fix the profiles directly to the wooden elements of the crate, which was made when the attic was insulated. If the weight of the crate is too large, you will need to install additional racks, fastening them not only to a wooden frame, but also to metal rails through suspensions.

    Plasterboard lathing
    Plasterboard lathing

    If you want to cut off the space under the ridge, you should provide access to it from another room.

  2. Route the wiring in corrugated hoses and take some photos to make it easier to find the cable exit points after sheathing. Fix the mortgages where the chandeliers are attached.

    Chandelier insert
    Chandelier insert

    Chandelier insert is attached to metal posts using self-tapping screws

  3. Start the cladding at the top of the ramps, trying to arrange the sheets so that the seams run parallel to the stream of light from the window if possible. Then small flaws when filling the joints will not be visible. The fixing step is 25 cm. Be sure to widen the seams and maintain an expansion gap of 3-5 mm.

    Plasterboard cladding of slopes
    Plasterboard cladding of slopes

    Please note: moisture-resistant drywall is used in the attic

  4. Make holes for the wires in the fixing points of the fixtures and make sure that none of them are damaged during work. Until the walls are covered with drywall, it is possible to stretch the corrugation with an additional or spare wire.

    Light hole
    Light hole

    To avoid incidents with holes for wires, try to coordinate in advance the pitch of the crate with the location of the lamps

  5. Sew up the attic walls with drywall and make holes for sockets and switches.

    Socket boxes in drywall
    Socket boxes in drywall

    The socket boxes should be installed in drywall prior to the start of the putty.

  6. Prime the seams, fill them with elastic putty and tape with special tape. After the putty has fully set, smooth the seams with an emery cloth so that they do not protrude above the main surface. Also process the attachment points.

    Plasterboard seams
    Plasterboard seams

    The joints between the drywall boards must be completely aligned

Further work depends on the effect you need. If you plan to sheathe part of the walls with decorative panels, no further preparation is required. Under the wallpaper, you need a layer of rough plaster and its leveling. Preparation for painting is the most difficult: a layer of rough putty, a layer of fiberglass (you can stick it directly onto the putty, it will help to avoid cracks), a layer of fine putty, sanding the walls. If you want to apply a thin layer of decorative plaster, you should also play it safe with fiberglass, but you don't need to putty completely.

Low attic interior
Low attic interior

In a low small attic, smooth plasterboard walls look most harmonious.

Plasterboard is suitable only for walls and slopes; the floor of the attic, when used, will have to be finished with another material. The same methods are suitable as in the case of the clapboard. But if you chose drywall due to environmental friendliness, the most logical solution would be to use gypsum fiber sheets.

Video: installation of drywall on the ceiling of the attic

Particleboard in the design of the attic

Chipboards are now used not only for the manufacture of furniture, but also for the dry leveling of walls / floors / ceilings in wooden houses and attics. Most often, non-laminated panels with moisture-resistant impregnation are used. This allows you to further prime and putty the surface to be painted or wallpaper. In the final version, the wall looks the same as a drywall or plastered one. But, thanks to the many times greater thickness of the chipboard, you can safely mount hinged shelves, a modular storage system, a TV bracket and other weighty things on it (provided that a special mount is used).

Chipboard attic finishing
Chipboard attic finishing

Chipboard has a number of advantages: strength, durability, resistance to high temperatures and direct sunlight, as well as a relatively low cost.

The technology of installing chipboard sheets is simpler than drywall, since they can be attached directly to the rafters and wooden crate. Solid wood and chipboards interact well with each other, so metal fasteners are not needed. But an expansion gap of 1–2 mm between the sheets is required if you do not want cracks to appear later. The seams are putty with an elastic compound and glued with a special tape, so they will be invisible in the future. After that, the surface becomes flat, smooth and suitable for finishing. As a decorative layer, you can use a thin laminated chipboard or MDF panels with a processed end.

Decorative chipboard on the wall
Decorative chipboard on the wall

The combination of mirror and laminated strips is easy to assemble on a chipboard base

They are similarly used for finishing gypsum fiber board (gypsum fiber sheets, aquapanels) or glass magnesite sheets. Installation technology, weight, durability and possible decorative effect are practically indistinguishable from chipboard. The final choice depends only on what material is suitable for the price and which one is more convenient for you to work with.

Sexual LVDSP
Sexual LVDSP

Moisture-resistant chipboard for the floor with one-sided laminate - a reliable floor in a minimum time without loss of height

It is convenient that all surfaces can be finished with slab materials at once - from the slope to the floor.

Attic finishing with HPL panels

HPL panels appeared on our construction market in the mid-90s, but so far they are distributed only in administrative offices. In fact, this is an improved analogue of a laminate, only HPL is pressed in more severe conditions, therefore it is not afraid of water and is most resistant to mechanical stress.

Attic with HPL panels
Attic with HPL panels

HPL panels allow you to easily create rounded corners

Manufacturers offer a palette of more than a hundred colors, as well as panels with imitation of different types of wood, stones, metals, leather and skins of rare animals, many options with photorealistic printing. This finish looks very impressive and rich, and, in addition, it is suitable for the manufacture of shower cabins (neither chipboard nor laminate would withstand such humidity) and can be used in children's rooms and institutions. Manufacturers claim that the material is completely environmentally friendly. HPL panels are used to decorate ceilings, walls, floors, they are used to make furniture, so any scrap can be used.

Variety of HPL sheets
Variety of HPL sheets

There is only one drawback of HPL panels today - high cost

Manufacturers additionally decorate HPL sheets with decorative embossing, milling, perforation. From it you can make openwork shutters or partitions in the attic.

Several fastening systems have also been thought out, from the simplest for self-tapping screws (even a not too experienced home craftsman can handle it) to completely hidden. Panels with a thickness of 1 cm or more (maximum - 20 cm) can be mounted in the attic right on top of the vapor barrier and can easily hang pictures and shelves on the finished walls. Thanks to this material, you can finish the attic from the ridge to the floor within one working day (if you work together in a room up to 100 m 2).

HPL panels in the bathroom
HPL panels in the bathroom

If you want to equip an additional bathroom in the attic, HPL panels will help you decorate it effectively

There is only one drawback of HPL panels - the price is from 7 USD. e. for m 2. Considering that the thickness of the material is from 2 mm, you will have to pay a tidy sum for covering even one wall with panels 1–2 cm thick. But if you're on a budget, this material can save you tons of time and provide an incredible decorative effect. After all, you can safely combine "rosewood", "white marble", "python skin" and bright colors, without worrying about compatibility and the difference in the thickness of materials (and this could not have been avoided using real stone, wood and leather).

By the way, HPL panels can also be purchased as flooring. It looks like a laminate, but it is not afraid of water at all, which makes it more durable and safer.

Use of combined materials

If you do not want to make all walls the same, you can use the principles of combination decoration. Paying tribute to the eco-friendly fashion, most designers try to use wood. But it may look different:

  • lining (ultra-wide or very narrow, laid in different directions or in the form of a pattern);

    Attic decoration with two types of lining
    Attic decoration with two types of lining

    The combination of wide and narrow dies in different tones will give the attic interior a dynamic

  • boards with a live edge (using a contrasting substrate or in two layers);

    Unedged board in the interior
    Unedged board in the interior

    If you don't want to give the attic the look of a hunting lodge, use an unedged board only on one of the walls or in fragments behind the sofa and TV

  • panels made of solid wood or plywood (smooth large-format panels look best in minimalism and loft);

    Plywood panels on the walls
    Plywood panels on the walls

    Plywood does not have to be left in its natural form, you can paint or paint it

  • vertical slats from solid wood or glued from veneer layers, which are attached at a distance from each other and create a dynamic pattern (they work to raise the ceiling);

    Reiki in the interior of the attic
    Reiki in the interior of the attic

    Reiki fixed on the wall will create the subconscious impression that there is additional space behind them

  • paneled panels imitating the classics (in a modern interior, eclecticism and fusion style, multi-format panels can occupy the entire wall and even go onto the ceiling);

    Paneled panels at the bottom of the wall
    Paneled panels at the bottom of the wall

    In order not to overload the interior, panels of dark and amber colors are best mounted only from below.

  • wooden wallpaper - thin wooden dies assembled on a woven basis (in fact, they differ little from bamboo wallpaper, but are made from more familiar types of wood for us);

    Wooden wallpaper on slopes
    Wooden wallpaper on slopes

    Thin strips of wood wallpaper add variety to an all-wood interior

  • ceiling beams or false beams (located under the very ridge).

    Decorative beams on the attic ceiling
    Decorative beams on the attic ceiling

    The sharper the angle of the slopes, the more complex beam structures you can use

At the same time, it is not at all necessary to preserve the unique pattern and color of wood. Wooden surfaces are often impregnated with tinted glazes of bright shades (light green, turquoise, red) or a dense opaque paint is applied.

Multicolored wood planks
Multicolored wood planks

Colored varnish helps to give the wood especially interesting and non-standard shades

It is also believed that the combined interior should have glossy materials. Since it is very important for the attic to expand the space upwards, the gloss can only be placed on the slopes.

Glossy slopes in the attic
Glossy slopes in the attic

Thanks to the glossy paint on the slopes, light will fill the attic even through a small window

They implement the idea with different materials:

  • glass with photo printing, completely transparent, colored or tinted to a translucent effect, decorated with a matte pattern;
  • mirrors made of enlightened (without greenery), ordinary, bronze or graphite glass (near such walls you can safely install furniture and hang pictures on them, this will help to avoid an "overdose" of reflections);
  • acrylic sheets, most often in juicy shades (plastic panels are very light and thin, they are mounted on ordinary liquid nails);
  • painting with glossy paints of any color (the method is suitable only for perfectly aligned walls);
  • wallpaper with a metal or satin effect (if the wall is made of plasterboard, gypsum fiber board or chipboard);
  • glossy self-adhesive films (also require an even, stable base, but more reliable than wallpaper and cheaper than acrylic).
Black wall in the attic
Black wall in the attic

The chalk wall can be combined with the built-in wardrobe facades

Another important trend in the attic interior is the wall for drawing and magnets. It is interesting that designers offer such a solution not only to families with children, but also to young couples, those who like to decorate the interior with their own hands, as well as people who use boards for drawing because of their profession. You can make such a highlight of the interior using:

  • applying a magnetic composition and paint for drawing with chalk (the wall will turn out to be black or dark);
  • alternate application of magnetic and marker paint (this is how you can make a wall of any tone, but so that the markers are clearly visible, a light shade is applied on top);
  • pasting the wall with self-adhesive for drawing with chalk (manufacturers offer only black ones).

In the attic you just want to lie down and relax, and soft walls should contribute to this. When planning a sleeping place or seating area with a sofa, a rare designer does not use this technique. You can achieve softness:

  • having upholstered the wall with foam rubber and draped with a fabric suitable or contrasting with the upholstered furniture / bedspread (this is cheaper and can be done independently);

    Fabric on the slopes of the attic
    Fabric on the slopes of the attic

    Velvet trim transforms a projecting roof element into a stylish piece of art

  • by fixing soft panels on the wall (custom-made panels of the required shape and size from any fabric, customers are offered a huge variety of screeds - from the usual coach to fantasy);

    Soft panels for walls
    Soft panels for walls

    Soft wall panels are fixed so securely that they can be safely mounted on slopes and even on the ceiling

  • using soft stickers made of foamed polyurethane foam (they can imitate only fabric, but also stone with brick).

    Wall panel stickers
    Wall panel stickers

    Soft "stone" or "brick" - an unexpected solution for the interior of the attic

Not the entire wall can be made soft, but only part of it in the recreation area or in traumatic places.

To give the attic interior a twist, you can also use panels with a three-dimensional pattern. The most common are gypsum, but they are heavy and require a stable base. Therefore, it is better to buy panels made of thin plastic or light acoustic "tiles". Both options look very attractive and modern.

Triangular acoustic panels
Triangular acoustic panels

Acoustic panels are a great decor for a youth interior

The main thing is to remember that there should not be too many raisins in the interior. If the room is done in soothing colors or shades of the same color, you can easily use wood planks, mirrors and 3D panels at the same time. But if you plan on a lot of juicy tones, you should not overdo it with textures. Make a neutral foundation with a practical, unobtrusive texture and pick 1-2 non-standard highlights under it.

Tranquil attic interior
Tranquil attic interior

In a bright, calm interior, nothing will annoy you for sure.

Attic in the "cheap and cheerful" style

Beauty and sustainability are important factors, but many simply do not have enough money for them. Therefore, it is worth mentioning the cases when, after insulating the attic, you have to save on each self-tapping screw. Let's consider how you can make the interior cheap and not boring.

Cuttings - not into the firebox

The first way is to use the pieces of wood left over from the roof. Spectacular mosaic wood panels can be made from the bars and dies lying around in the corners. They might look like:

  • "City of skyscrapers" - dice are cut from bars of the same or different thickness and fit tightly to each other (the result looks like a city from a great height);

    Wooden panel from end cuts
    Wooden panel from end cuts

    If desired, you can use bars of different sections, but the same squares look stylish

  • "Complete chaos" - wood scraps are aligned in thickness, width or length and assembled into an arbitrary picture;

    Chaos-style wood panel
    Chaos-style wood panel

    Different colored dies with different textures can also look attractive.

  • "Anti-parquet" - the trims of the bars are split with a hatchet along the length and fixed with the smooth side to the wall, with the texture outward (you will need to remove the most sharp dangerous ledges, but the result is worth it);

    Antipark from wood blocks
    Antipark from wood blocks

    If you tint the bars in different shades, the texture will be even more interesting.

  • "Diagonally" - the trims of the bars are cut diagonally and placed in a ladder.

    3D wood panels
    3D wood panels

    By laying the panels in a checkerboard pattern, you can achieve a greater variety of texture

You need to fix small dies on some kind of base: you will need plywood scraps, unnecessary sheets of thin chipboard or OSB. If the crate on the wall is frequent, and the dies of the parts are tightly adjacent to each other, even fiberboard from the old cabinet can be used.

Of course, you will have to work on sanding the dies, impregnating them and assembling them, but the final result will look an order of magnitude more expensive than it actually cost you

Decorative wall made of wood
Decorative wall made of wood

A fireplace near the wood can be electric or even painted.

Another budget option is to make shallow shelves from the scraps and put chopped firewood in them. If the wall is covered only with a membrane, before that it is advisable to tighten it with a cheap cloth or agrofibre to create a beautiful background for the logs.


As a rule, expensive plywood is used for decorative finishing. But experienced designers claim that cheap plywood can serve well and look presentable. Just do not hesitate to rummage in the pile, and you will definitely be able to find 2-3 sheets that have no knots or darkening on one side. Among the low-grade panels, there are surprisingly beautiful woody patterns with which you can decorate an accent wall in an attic. For better preservation, plywood will need to be protected, but this can be done with an inexpensive water-based varnish. With such a coating, it will seem even more spectacular and more expensive.

Plywood attic
Plywood attic

It is not necessary to use plywood in large quantities; it is better to combine it with other materials

OSB boards

Oriented strand board is so popular in construction and affordable that it is possible that your attic is completely sheathed. If so, if you wish, you can simply paint the walls in suitable tones and start moving in. But when you want to make a stylish interior, it is better to combine OSB with other materials. In particular, the slab seams can be decorated with rope or wood strips in contrasting colors.

OSB in the interior
OSB in the interior

The OSB wall decorated with inscriptions looks very modern

OSB is also a good basis for dense non-woven wallpaper, but if you don't mind the emerging texture, you can create an interesting visual effect with ordinary paper ones.

If there is no OSB in your attic, you should sheathe one of the walls with it. The unusual texture of the material will complement the interior well, even if you cover it with thick paint.

Plastic lining

High-quality plastic lining with wide dies and decorative patterns often costs more than wood. But to save money, it is not shameful to use the simplest, white and narrowest. It will look good under the ridge, at the highest point of the attic ceiling. If you also left some of the beams open, no one at a distance would guess that your lining is inexpensive.

Plastic lining for the attic
Plastic lining for the attic

The choice of plastic lining is a good reason to play with color.

Chintz according to grandma's recipe

In Soviet times, wall and ceiling decoration with fabric was very popular. The rich used brocade, and those who like to save money conjured over chintz with might and main. This simple fabric with naive patterns is perfect for a nursery, as well as for Provence-style interiors. Maybe it's time to disassemble Grandma's chest and look for pieces of fabric there? A single piece can be fixed with a construction stapler right on top of the wind and moisture protection membrane, and then the seams can be decorated with twine, wooden planks or cord.

Patchwork on the wall
Patchwork on the wall

Patchwork can be made not only from fabric, but also from pieces of old unnecessary wallpaper or decorative paper

If there was no chintz among the inheritance and the store prices did not please, you can profitably dispose of old, but not worn clothes. With minimal sewing skills on a typewriter, it is easy to build a patchwork-style canvas. Undoubtedly, a wall of denim scraps will look very picturesque and extraordinary in the attic.

It doesn't matter what budget you have allocated for finishing the attic. The main thing is to use the suggested tips wisely and create your own interior that will be convenient for you. Then your attic will surely please every guest.
