Soft Roof: Device, Types, Features Of Operation And Repair, Owner Reviews
Soft Roof: Device, Types, Features Of Operation And Repair, Owner Reviews

Features of a soft roof device: materials used, operation and repair

Soft roof
Soft roof

One of the reasons for using soft roofing is its aesthetics. Thanks to their excellent performance characteristics, elastic materials occupy a leading position among the used roofing coatings today.


  • 1 Features of a soft roof

    • 1.1 Raw materials for the manufacture of soft tiles
    • 1.2 Calculation of materials

      1.2.1 Table: coefficient of increase in material consumption depending on the slope of the roof slope

    • 1.3 Varieties of shingles
  • 2 Tools for laying soft roofs
  • 3 Principles of the roofing pie
  • 4 Features of installation

    • 4.1 Video: installation of shingles
    • 4.2 Common mistakes made by roofers

      4.2.1 Video: how to properly make a seam of a roll covering

  • 5 Features of operation

    • 5.1 Photo gallery: cleaning soft roofs from debris and snow
    • 5.2 Service life of shingles
    • 5.3 How to repair a soft roof

      5.3.1 Video: repair of a soft roof

    • 5.4 Tips from experienced installers
  • 6 Reviews of soft tiles

Features of a soft roof

Manufacturers call flexible shingles differently: shingles, soft roofs, shinglas, roofing tiles, bituminous shingles. Small modules are produced in the form of flat sheets with a cut shaped edge. Various piping shapes and overlapping colors create roofs that decorate the house. Soft roofs cover not only residential cottages, summer cottages and country houses, but also public and commercial buildings. Flexible shingles are used for laying new or renovating old roofs on straight and pitched roofs. Soft roofing material is especially effective when constructing a roof with a complex multi-level structure. Flexible roofs are fire resistant, absorb external sounds, and withstand significant temperature changes.

Soft roof on a complex roof
Soft roof on a complex roof

Soft roof is practically the only alternative on complex roofs with a lot of kinks

Raw materials for the manufacture of soft tiles

Regardless of the color range, properties, shape and price, flexible tiles have the same six-layer structure:

  1. The decorative colored outer layer, which gives an aesthetic appearance to the roof, consists of basalt granulate and slate chips. Its main function is to prevent mechanical damage by precipitation (snow and hail) or tree branches and birds, to protect against the damaging effects of ultraviolet rays from the sun.
  2. A flexible layer of polymerized bitumen is responsible for deformation resistance.
  3. The main layer is fiberglass. High tensile strength, lightweight and elastic material designed to give strength to the shingle.
  4. A layer of bitumen with polymer additives.
  5. Self-adhesive layer of bitumen-polymer mass.
  6. Dense protective film or silicon sand interlayer. Protection is necessary to prevent sheets from sticking together during storage and transportation.
The structure of soft tiles
The structure of soft tiles

The six-layer structure provides thermal insulation, absorption of street noise and the necessary strength of a soft roof

Since the natural indicator of the heat resistance of bitumen does not exceed +50 o C, high quality oil with the addition of modifiers is used as a raw material for the production of soft roofing materials. The following additives are used to increase strength and fire resistance:

  • APP - atactic polypropylene, thanks to which bitumen does not lose its qualities at temperatures up to +120 o C;
  • SBS - artificial rubber (styrene - butadiene - styrene), which gives bitumen flexibility and elasticity and reduces brittleness at sub-zero temperatures;
  • oxidation, that is, enrichment of the heated bitumen mass with oxygen, which increases the heat resistance of soft tiles at least 2 times.

In Russian regions, oxidized and SBS-modified bitumen is used. The optimal choice in terms of price-quality ratio is raw material enriched with oxygen, since it is cheaper with slight differences in service life.

Calculation of materials

When choosing a roofing material, it is important to know how much of it is required to cover the roof and how much it will cost. To correctly calculate the amount of shingles, it is necessary to take into account the type of roof and covering, as well as the percentage of waste. Some of the material is cut off, accidentally damaged or improperly mounted. Therefore, the roof covering is purchased with a margin. On packages of soft tiles, manufacturers indicate the required surplus for a standard roof as a percentage. When installing a roof with a complex configuration, there will be more waste.

Building material sellers usually use roofing calculators - special programs to calculate the required amount of material. The following algorithm will help you calculate flexible coverage yourself:

  1. Divide the roof slope into several squares or rectangles and calculate their area using standard formulas.
  2. When calculating the area of inclined surfaces, it is necessary to take into account the slope coefficient according to the formula: S n = S mountains ∙ K, where S n is the required area, S mountains is the area of the horizontal projection of the roof, K is a coefficient that is taken from a special table.
  3. Calculate the length of all elements: valleys, cornices, ends, ridge, pipe junction.

    Soft roof slope
    Soft roof slope

    When calculating the material for covering the roof, all its elements are taken into account: ridge, valleys, dormers, cornices, ends, etc.

  4. Add a technological reserve of at least 3% to the final value.

If there are dormers, the area of their sides is taken into account

Table: coefficient of increase in material consumption depending on the slope of the roof slope

Roof slope, degrees Magnification factor K
4 1.003
five 1.004
6 1.006
7 1.008
8 1,010
nine 1.012
ten 1.015
eleven 1.019
12 1.022
13 1.027
14 1.031
fifteen 1.035
16 1,040
17 1.046
18 1.051
19 1,058
20 1,064
21 1.071
22 1.079
23 1.086
24 1.095
25 1.104
26 1.113
27 1.122
28 1.133
29 1.143
thirty 1.155
31 1.167
32 1.179
33 1.192
34 1.205
35 1,221
36 1,235
37 1.252
38 1.269
39 1.287
40 1.305
41 1,325
42 1,346
43 1,367
44 1,390
45 1,414
46 1,439
47 1,466
48 1,495
49 1.524
50 1,556
51 1.589
52 1,624
53 1,662
54 1,701
55 1,743
56 1,788
57 1,836
58 1,887
59 1,942
60 2,000
61 2,063
62 2,130
63 2.203
64 2,281
65 2,366
66 2.459
67 2,580
69 2,790
70 2.924
72 3.236
74 3.628

Summing up all the values obtained, the area of the soft roof is obtained. The final estimate of the installation also takes into account the purchase of bitumen mastic, corresponding to the type of covering of nails, metal cornice, wind and adjoining strips. If the angle of inclination of the roof is more than 60 °, the number of nails must be increased.

Varieties of shingles

All materials for laying soft roofs are divided into three types:

  1. Rolled. An economical type of coating, it consists of roofing, glassine and roofing material. Easy to install and repair at any time of the year, as during installation it is heated by burners and glued to the base of the roof. It is characterized by low resistance to weathering, but high frost resistance and moisture resistance.

    Roll roofing material
    Roll roofing material

    Soft roll material is easy to install in any weather

  2. Membrane. The composition is similar to the roll type, but it is made in sheets with an area of 1–1.5 m 2 with double-sided application of an adhesive layer. Differs in high strength, flexibility, frost resistance and tightness.

    Membrane roof
    Membrane roof

    Strong and durable membrane coating is moisture and frost resistant

  3. Bituminous shingles. A strong, durable coating characterized by low thermal conductivity, tightness, high level of sound insulation and resistance to environmental influences. The shape of the tiles gives the building an elegant look. Bituminous shingles are more expensive than metal shingles, but cheaper than their ceramic counterparts and slate coating.

    Flexible roof tiles
    Flexible roof tiles

    The most unexpected projects can be realized with flexible shingles.

Tools for laying soft roofs

Installation of a flexible roof covering does not require special expensive equipment and unique skills in construction. For a soft roof device, it is enough to have:

  • hacksaw;
  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • sharp knife;
  • a hammer;
  • putty knife;
  • Master OK;
  • construction hair dryer.

You will need chalk and rope for marking. The instructions attached by the manufacturer to each package of material help to fix the elastic tiles correctly.

Tools for installing a soft roof
Tools for installing a soft roof

No special expensive equipment is required for the construction of a shingle roof

Principles of the roofing pie

Laminated base for laying a soft coating - roofing cake - there are 2 types:

  1. For the cold roof of outbuildings, summer cottages, garages, sheds. Its simple construction consists of:

    • soft tiles,
    • lining carpet,
    • wooden flooring,
    • lathing,
    • rafter leg.
  2. For warm roofing of residential buildings. Here the device is more complex and includes sequentially laid layers:

    • flexible coating,
    • lining carpet,
    • superdiffusion membrane (protective film),
    • insulation (usually mineral wool is used),
    • vapor barrier film,
    • wooden flooring,
    • lathing,
    • ventilation duct (counter-beam is laid),
    • rafter leg,
    • lathing for insulation and inner lining.

      Roofing cake
      Roofing cake

      Depending on the purpose of the building, the device of its roofing nature is carried out in different ways

Installation features

Bitumen shingles manufacturers recommend using this coating on roofs with a slope of 12 to 90 °. Lightweight sheets are quickly stacked according to the following instructions:

  1. Installation of a flat base made of plywood, edged board or OSB (oriented strand board consisting of several glued chipboard layers with the addition of boric acid and synthetic wax).

    Base for shingles
    Base for shingles

    Soft roofs require a sheathing of sheet materials

  2. Installation of a ventilation gap with a height of about 5 cm. An inlet opening is mounted at the bottom, an exhaust hood at the top. Ventilation prevents icicles from forming in winter and removes excess heat on hot summer days.

    Soft roof ventilation
    Soft roof ventilation

    The ventilation device helps to ensure a normal climate in the under-roof space, regardless of the weather outside

  3. Laying of the backing material along the entire length with fixation after 20-25 cm and adhesive sealing of all joints.
  4. Installation of cornice strips on the lining with an overlap of 2 cm. Drippers protect the crate from precipitation.

    Eaves plank
    Eaves plank

    Eaves strip protects the bottom edge of the fence from moisture ingress

  5. Installation of gable slats with an overlap of 2 cm along the edges of the sheathing at the ends of the roof.
  6. Laying the valley carpet on the lining. It prevents water from penetrating inside at the joints of the roof. It is identical in color to roofing tiles. Fixed with roofing nails every 10 cm.
  7. Laying soft tiles from the center of the eaves to the ends of the roof. The lower edge of the covering is fixed at a distance of 1 cm from the lower edge of the cornice.

    Installation of tiles on the cornice
    Installation of tiles on the cornice

    The soft roof begins to be mounted at a distance of 1 cm from the edge of the eaves

  8. The tile sheet is glued to the base and secured with four nails. At the ends, the coating is cut off and fixed with glue at a distance of 10 cm. In the valleys, the carpet opens up to a width of 15 cm. To protect the lower layer of the roof, plywood is placed when cutting soft tiles.
  9. At the junctions of the chimney (if any), a rail is nailed to the roof, a lining carpet is laid, and the overlaps are carefully glued. The junction is closed with a sealed apron.

    The passage of the pipe through the roof
    The passage of the pipe through the roof

    Places of passage of smoke and ventilation pipes are carefully sealed using a special apron

When installing or repairing shingles, mastics of various compositions or bitumen primers are used as an adhesive, which increase the heat resistance of the soft roof and reduce its fragility at low temperatures. The complexity of roofing work is due to the presence of kinks and bends in the roof, as well as additional structural elements (pipes, dormer or dormer windows, etc.).

Video: installation of flexible shingles

Common mistakes made by roofers

  1. Installation of a soft roof on a slope with a slope less than the permissible limit. In this case, leaks form on the roof over time, since the joints of the shingles are exposed to increased loads in rainy and windy weather.
  2. Using nails that are not long enough (the thickness of the wooden base exceeds the length of the fastener). Under the influence of temperature and moisture, the wood deforms and pushes the nails out.

    Fastening shingles
    Fastening shingles

    To fasten a soft roof, you need to use nails longer than the thickness of the sheathing

  3. Fastening with a construction stapler. The staples do not provide an even and snug fit of the soft coating to the wood base.
  4. Poor ventilation of the space under the roof. Poor ventilation leads to the accumulation of condensed moisture on the surfaces of the roof frame, gradually destroying them.
  5. Lack of vapor barrier material. Moisture penetrating into the insulation reduces the life of the roof.
  6. Planking the base without forming gaps. At high humidity, the wood base swells and damages the waterproofing film, compromising the tightness of the roof and deteriorating its appearance.

    Ventilation gap
    Ventilation gap

    When installing a base under a soft roof, it is necessary to make a ventilation gap

  7. Shingles are fixed only with nails, without gluing to the base. Melt water and rainwater flows freely through the roof.
  8. The base material is not thick enough and there are no supports under the joints. A weak base may not withstand snow load and the weight of roofers installing or repairing a roof.
  9. Poor tightness of adjoining to dormer windows, pipes and other verticals. Leaks occur during precipitation and thaws.
  10. Sheets of soft material are fixed with nails along the upper edge. The fasteners do not hold the lower shingle, and the joint is less resistant to wind load.

Video: how to properly make a seam of a roll covering

Features of operation

For a roof made of shingles to last as long as possible, the simplest maintenance of its surface is enough. It is recommended to inspect the roof twice a year: in spring at a stable +5 o C and in early autumn. Large debris and branches are removed by hand, small debris is swept away with a soft panicle. The drainage system, funnels and gutters are cleaned, germinated plants (moss, lichen) are removed.

Snow and ice on the roof can deform the soft surface. If a dangerous amount of snow accumulates on the roof, it is carefully removed with rubber or plastic scrapers, without affecting the lower layers.

The soft roof is not conducive to the formation of mosses or lichens. But over time, wind-blown plant spores and seeds can germinate on a damp, porous surface. To destroy vegetation, bituminous tiles are treated with an antibacterial agent, gently cleaned with a brush and rinsed with clean water after a period of time specified in the instructions for the selected preparation.

Photo gallery: cleaning soft roofs from debris and snow

Garbage in the gutter
Garbage in the gutter
Drains need to be cleaned regularly from blockages.
Removing snow from the roof
Removing snow from the roof
Snow is cleaned with rubber or plastic tools
Gutter cleaning
Gutter cleaning
Large debris can be removed by hand
Leaves in the valley
Leaves in the valley
Branches, leaves and other debris are removed by hand or with a soft brush
Antiseptic coating treatment
Antiseptic coating treatment
Antibacterial agents will prevent moss and lichen from germinating

Regular preventive examinations contribute to the timely identification and elimination of defects in the roofing.

Shingle roof lifespan

In the USA and many European countries, soft roofing has been used since the beginning of the last century. This material appeared in Russia about 20 years ago. Taking into account the more difficult climatic conditions of the regions of our country, manufacturers of bitumen shingles declare service life from 5 to 25 years in conditions of temperature fluctuations from -50 to +50 o C. In warm countries of Europe, flexible shingles serve for at least 50-60 years. The long service life of a soft roof is in direct proportion to the quality of its installation.

How to repair a soft roof

Flexible shingles can be easily repaired if necessary. For this, the damaged area of the material is removed and replaced with a new one. When inflated, the bubble is gently opened on the sides, the resulting cavity is filled with an adhesive solution. Shallow cracks are covered with a new sheet of similar material. Damages more than 15 mm deep are covered with cement-sand mortar.

Soft roof repair
Soft roof repair

If necessary, damaged areas can be easily replaced with new ones

Video: soft roof repair

Tips from experienced installers

Soft tiles will last longer if certain conditions are met:

  • do not walk on the roof in hot sunny weather;
  • clean the surface of snow and debris only with soft non-metallic tools;
  • avoid scratching the roofing with branches of closely growing trees;
  • monitor the humidity in the attic: a dry under-roof space extends the life of the roof.

Reviews of soft tiles

The development of housing construction technologies leads to a constant increase in demand for soft roofing. Today, this strong and durable material occupies a leading position among other roofing coatings. Buying shingles from large well-known manufacturers with powerful production guarantees high quality. Despite the simplicity and ease of roofing, it is better to entrust the installation of the coating to qualified builders. A professionally installed soft roof will provide comfort and warmth for many years.
